Veterinary Viewpoint: How to save money at your veterinarian

Medical cost is increasing in all sectors including veterinary medicine. Other than for obvious signs of trauma or illness, pet owners usually know when they need to take their animals to a veterinary clinic. To help prevent unnecessary expenses, read on…

The No. 1 method for saving money is practicing basic preventive care. Feeding good quality food and using monthly heartworm prevention medicine top the charts for getting started. An example would be that low quality dry food can lead to urinary problems in cats that can extend to possible surgery. While the top-of-the-line pet food is not always feasible or even best for your pets, educating yourself about the types of pet food is a valuable tool.

Preventing dietary problems before they need intervention and specialized food diets will save money.

Vaccinations are life-saving, especially for contagious diseases such as Parvo that can be life-threatening even when caught early. Parvo vaccines are very inexpensive and can provide immunity for this horrible disease that will claim the lives of over 15% of its victims annually. Treatments can run up to $1000 and more for those who do make it.

The second way to save money with your pet is to educate yourself to know the signs of illness. Animals are good at hiding pain and illness but signs can be observed through physical symptoms and behavior changes.

Physical signs may include vomiting and diarrhea, lack of appetite or decreased activity, changes in elimination patterns, coughing or sneezing, hair loss or itchy skin, and stiffness, lameness, or difficulty rising. These symptoms are basic and can indicate any number of acute or chronic underlying conditions.

Another tip is to be up-front with your financial situation. It is our policy to be up front with possible expenditures before treating an animal, and it’s always good to ask questions. Diagnostic testing is increasing in line with human health care. If further testing is warranted and your finances are limited, ask if there are payment plans available or other treatment options that may not be as expensive and may take longer.

However, please understand that some illnesses and trauma cases may be open-ended in that we cannot predict the exact cost or the outcome of surgery or treatments as each case differs based on factors of age, condition, and severity of the illness or trauma. We need your permission to continue treatment.

Only you know your budget and should make your decisions on what you can afford with treatment plans. We are here to help pets and owners and appreciate your honesty in helping formulating the best treatment plans.

For some, pet insurance has become a standard option. The usual policies help pay for emergency pet visits with varying deductible and reimbursement rates. Pet insurance doesn’t have in-network boundaries, so anyone can sign up and keep going to their regular veterinarian.

Coverage inclusions differ by provider. Buyers can select which plans they choose.

For example, an Accident-Only and Accident & Illness plans cover a different range of office visits. Some companies even have options to add on Preventive Care coverage which helps pay for routine visits.

At BVS, we honor both Scratch Pay and CareCredit. We can help clients set up their accounts and develop a payment plan.

Practicing safety at home is one of the best methods for preventing accidents. Puppy proofing a home by safety-proofing things like accessible wires, curtain cords, socks, toys, medications, household and automotive chemicals (anti-freeze), fertilizers, and toxic plants inside and outside the home helps keep pets safe.

Routine wellness checks are like annual physicals for us. Finding a condition before it becomes serious is always better than postponing a diagnosis with a more serious and possibly non-reversable or very expensive treatment.

Pest treatments should be ongoing since pests are always present in the environment and not just outside. Fleas, ticks, mites, roundworms, whipworms, hookworms, tapeworms, heartworms, ringworm, and Giardiasis (single-celled protozoan), can affect any cat or dog. Identifying the parasite and using effective preventive treatments can protect your pet from the harmful affects of a parasitic infection which can be life-threatening, especially if the infestation is caused by heartworms. Any infestation is harmful and may cause further complications and even death if the condition is severe.

Neutering and spaying animals will also extend their lifespan.

Being watchful, diligent in preventive care, providing clean water and quality food will save you money in the long run.

Dr. Joanna Bronson of Bronson Veterinary Services, located at 452 W. Central Road, Coldwater. Contact her at (517) 369-2161 or visit

Dr. Joanna Bronson
Dr. Joanna Bronson

This article originally appeared on The Daily Reporter: Opinion