Video of 15-Year-Old Girl Lecturing Maryland Lawmakers on Gun Control Goes Viral

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Video of 15 Year Old Girl Lecturing Lawmakers on Gun Control Goes Viral
Video of 15 Year Old Girl Lecturing Lawmakers on Gun Control Goes Viral


We don't know much about her, but this 15-year-old girl from Maryland sure knows her facts when it comes to firearms.

Speaking before Maryland legislators at recent a hearing, the young woman made her case against gun control and argued restrictive legislation will only affect law-abiding American citizens. It only took her about three minutes to effectively make her point.

The video was posted to YouTube about a week ago and already has over 1.5 million views.

"I'm 15-years-old and I've been shooting for almost eight years. I've also been part of the Maryland Rifle Club and Maryland State Rifle Team," she began. "Because of this I have become eligible for various shooting scholarships around the country to a wide array of even the most prestigious colleges that have shooting teams."

"Achieving stricter gun control laws would obliterate any opportunity I could have had to attend a decent college on a shooting scholarship," she added.

She went on to say that it became immediately clear when she began shooting that guns are not the problem, people are.

"Chicago, Illinois has had some of the strictest gun control laws in America enacted in the last few years and it is currently more as twice as likely for you to be killed in Chicago than in the Afghani war," the 15-year-old said.

She pointed out that of the 3,371 have been killed in Chicago in the past 11 years. Of that total, only 37 were killed with a rifle -- barely 1 percent.

"So creating gun control legislation that targets 'assault rifles' has statistically proven to only weed out less than 1 percent of the problem if you're lucky," she added.

Watch all of her testimony below:

(H/T: Fox Nation)