Video: Girl reads story on father’s grave after having dream about him the night before


A video of a 7-year-old girl from central China’s Henan province reading a story on her father’s grave has tugged on the heartstrings of social media users.

Key details: A video of the girl, Lin Li, was reportedly filmed on June 23 while volunteers visited her after her aunt asked for support from a local charity, according to local media.

The volunteers saw the girl by her father’s grave reading a story, an activity he used to do with her whenever he came back home from work. According to her aunt, she wanted to visit her father's grave because she had a dream about him the night before.

Fatal accident: Lin Li’s father, a migrant worker, reportedly died from drowning last year while he was fishing in eastern China. The girl has been living with her grandmother ever since.

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Financial difficulties: Lin Li’s aunt said the girl and her grandmother are now struggling financially since her father was the only one supporting her through his salary.

A video uploaded to Weibo shows the volunteers carrying several items to give Lin Li and her grandmother, such as a fan, furniture and food.

About her mother: The aunt said Lin Li does not qualify to receive a child welfare certificate issued to orphans, which would entitle her to 800 yuan (approximately $110) in monthly financial assistance, since her mother is still alive.

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According to her aunt, Lin Li has not seen her mother, who struggled with long-term clinical depression, ever since she abandoned her.


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