Video: Watch as a chihuahua runs away from its owners — on the highway

Watch a video of a chihuahua loose on the highway.
Watch a video of a chihuahua loose on the highway. | Adobe Stock

On Dec. 5, a chihuahua named Bean got loose on the Staten Island Expressway at night, causing an unusual car chase.

Roughly 20 cars tried to help corral Bean as policemen and several people on foot eventually captured him after he darted under a stopped vehicle.

Bean’s owner, Tammy Richardson explained how he escaped, saying, “He got under the fence didn’t know there was a hole,” per ABC 7 NY. Since Richardson lives several miles from the expressway, she added, “I don’t really know how he got on the highway.”

After seeing posts on social media that the chihuahua was missing, a Staten Island University Hospital nurse, Kaitlyn McGinley, found Bean.

When McGinley stopped her car, “The dog ran under my car and hi(d) under my tire. Someone gave me a bag, and I scooped him up and put him in the car,” per ABC7.

McGinley quickly returned Bean back home. Richardson said, “I offered her money, but she didn’t want to take it,” per the Staten Island Advance. She continued, “I was like ‘Please, please, please you basically risked your life to save my dog. I am forever grateful.’”

Bean’s rescue has gained gotten lots of attention recently, appearing on Eyewitness News Morning at 10. The dog even has his own Instagram account now, called The Famous Bean.

“I was lost without him, really the whole family was,” Richardson said. “It was really a Christmas miracle. I am truly appreciative of everyone who helped to bring him back to me,” according to the Staten Island Advance.