Most Disgusting Food Abominations of All Time

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. These are the most disgusting food abominations... the absolutely craziest food concoctions of all time. From the Dominos cookie pizza and beyond, these are the foods that made you say, "they made that? Why did they make that? That seems gross." Remember the KFC double down? Why was that ever a thing? who wants to hold fried chicken like it's sandwich bread? Have you heard of the bacon mug? Well, the bacon mug is on here too! It's a mug, like a coffee mug made of bacon. Maybe you think some of these are the best food combinations. You're probably wrong, but hey, to each one's own. Anyway, enjoy the video! Maybe rush right out and buy yourself a bacon mug! Maybe don't! It's up to you, bud!