A View from the Cab: Making inroads with rural broadband

Kent Casson
Kent Casson

I have often discussed the need for reliable rural broadband over the years and it is good to see efforts being made to improve connectivity in the smaller towns and out in the country.

Some counties will field test a rural broadband infrastructure planning tool created by a research team from Illinois State University’s Department of Geography, Geology and Environment. The goal is to engage ag-sector representatives and other community stakeholders as various GIS tools and maps will be made available to support countywide broadband planning.

Broadband Breakthrough will recommend how the planning tool, combined with a community broadband engagement and planning program, can be used by rural communities to plan the level and cost of broadband service optimal for residential and agricultural needs. By providing resources needed for broadband investment, the planning tool can help farmer leaders and farming communities leverage state funding allocated in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

The Rural Broadband Infrastructure Planning Tool Program is available in 14 Illinois counties, including Bond, Christian, Clinton, Edgar, Hancock, Henry, Iroquois, Kankakee, LaSalle, Macoupin, McLean, Ogle, Washington and Wayne. Any of these counties wishing to participate in the ag-focused cohort should complete the form at https://bit.ly/ilbroadbandbreakthroughapp and check the Application Disclosure box at the bottom of page two.

Applications are due Dec. 16 and counties will be notified of their acceptance the week of Dec. 19. Counties will be required to recruit teams of eight to 15 people comprised of ag representatives and other community stakeholders who commit to attend the program. This is underwritten by the United Soybean Board and partners include the Illinois Soybean Association, Benton Institute for Broadband & Society, Illinois Office of Broadband, University of Illinois Extension and Illinois Innovation Network.

“Today, broadband is a necessary tool to innovate farming practices and allow for sustainable, targeted and efficient resource use,” said Illinois Soybean Association Director of Market Development Todd Main. “Farmers need connectivity in the farmhouse and farm office, in the field and in their communities to benefit from online access to healthcare resources, learning opportunities and enhanced quality of life.”

Main believes ag production in the state is poised to enjoy a significant productivity increase with the use of technology and data management but is currently constrained by lack of access to high-performance broadband service. Accurate maps, sound network deployment capable of robust upload speeds and scalable technologies are needed.

For more on the ag focused program, contact Bill Coleman at 651-491-2551 or e-mail bcoleman@benton.org.

The latest ag news, blogs, market updates and farm photos can be found at www.centralillinoisfarmnetwork.com. Listen for Kent’s early morning radio ag programming on WGCY 106.3 in Gibson City or WJBC 1230 AM in Bloomington.

This article originally appeared on Pontiac Daily Leader: Kent Casson View from the Cab: Making inroads with rural broadband