Our view: Culture wars aside, state's public schools need help

If early signals are any indication, expect the culture wars to intensify on the public school front in the run-up to midterm elections later this year. Over the past few months, schools have been fertile ground to stoke partisan worries over everything from critical race theory to library shelf contents.

It’s unfortunate because Texas public schools are facing at least three very real issues with which they need the state’s help. Thus far, they have received some attention, but if left unchecked, they will create a cascade of other negative impacts that will hurt Texas for years to come.

First is addressing the learning loss caused by COVID-19 disruptions. In West Texas, many schools navigated this aspect of the pandemic as well as they could. However, the sudden shift to remote instruction that began in March 2020 and continued throughout that semester ushered in a series of challenges. Internet access was spotty or unavailable, and some students were left behind. Classroom teachers had to pivot suddenly to a new way of doing their job, and some were more proficient than others.

As the pandemic continued, schools went back and forth on remote and in-person instruction. Some offered both options at the same time, increasing teacher workloads. Regardless, it was not an easy time for anyone, and the full impact of learning loss is yet to be discovered. Schools need support and resources that tell them where students are and how large the gap is to be closed.

The second factor is directly related to the first. Texas faces a mounting crisis in terms of a teacher shortage. Some left because they did not want to put their health at risk during the pandemic; others left because they did not want to put up with the politics that continues to infect virtually every aspect of the pandemic. Those who weren’t burned out were fed up, and they have taken literally hundreds of years of experience with them. Talk about learning loss.

Gov. Greg Abbott has convened a task force to dig into this and make recommendations, but the clock is ticking and another school year is winding down, meaning another wave of teacher retirements. No one gets into this profession for the money. They do it out of a sense of calling and care for young people. Restoring that feeling must be a priority while also continuing to find ways to recruit, train and retain gifted classroom instructors.

The third one is a direct result of the other two and that’s the state of mental health among young people in general. They have had to continue getting an education during what seems like a never-ending public-health emergency. They’ve attended classes remotely, worn masks and, most tragically, heard about or know someone who has lost their life to COVID-19.

By whatever metric one wants to use, the kids are not all right, at least not right now. Suicide rates are up as are depression, anxiety and stress levels. Schools need more resources dedicated to mental health, and struggling young people need to be encouraged to seek out help when they need it without fear of being stigmatized.

Public schools have an important mission in terms of equipping and preparing young people for the coming challenges of life. While state lawmakers have focused on public education in recent sessions, the pandemic has made it clear much remains to be done to improve and assist school district officials with their difference-making mission.

This article originally appeared on Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: Culture wars aside, state's public schools need help