Viewpoint: Capital punishment in Indiana is declining. Is it even necessary at this point?

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Capital punishment in the United States has plummeted over the past two decades. Per the 2022 Death Penalty Information Center Year End Report, annual death sentences have decreased by over 80% during the last 25 years, and the 18 executions in 2022 represent an 82% drop from their highest of 98 in 1999. Thirty-seven states have either abolished the death penalty or, as with Indiana, have not executed anyone in at least 10 years. A few weeks ago, Oregon’s governor commuted the death sentences of the state’s 17 condemned prisoners to life without the possibility of parole. Two irremovable defects of capital punishment — its arbitrary application and risk of executing the innocent — undoubtedly are fueling this decline.

The Death Penalty Information Center explains that arbitrary application of capital punishment results in death sentences for some but not others without justification for the unevenness. Issues that should not be at play — notably race — may impact who does and does not receive a death sentence. No legal standard, procedural fix or judicial oversight eliminates capital punishment’s arbitrariness. In the 1980 Supreme Court decision Godfrey v. Georgia, Justice Thurgood Marshall characterized “eliminating arbitrariness” from the death penalty as “proving to be” an inability for “our criminal justice system — and perhaps any criminal justice system.”

A guard tower looms above barbed wire at the Indiana State Prison in Michigan City.
A guard tower looms above barbed wire at the Indiana State Prison in Michigan City.

All criminal proceedings are subject to error. Standing alone, however, are the errors of capital punishment; wrongful executions — executing the innocent the most unconscionable — cannot be rectified. Arguments supporting the death penalty often rationalize the unknowable risk of executing the innocent as low. Low risk is an actuarial claim, not a principle or foundation making it acceptable to execute someone who did not commit a capital crime. Over 185 condemned prisoners, at least 18 by DNA evidence, exonerated since the 1970s further confront the claim of low risk.

Federal executions:A look at who was put to death and the heinous crimes they committed

Arbitrariness and the risk of executing the innocent ensure faulty capital justice. In May 2022, the Supreme Court added another unconscionable to our nation’s death penalty. In Shinn v. Martinez Ramirez, the Supreme Court interpreted a federal statute as prohibiting state prisoners from presenting evidence of ineffective representation to federal appeal courts. The case involved two condemned Arizona prisoners whose attorneys, during state proceedings, failed to investigate available evidence supporting innocence and intellectual disability. Federal appeal courts had affirmed and confirmed these failures. The Supreme Court, however, found that the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 prevents consideration of such evidence by federal courts, tying its opinion in part to the sovereignty of the state in enforcing its laws. Prohibiting such evidence in capital cases may cost the lives of defendants who are innocent or ineligible for the death penalty, or who warrant a lesser sentence. Imposing death sentences without weighing all available evidence fosters uneven application of capital punishment. As with arbitrary proceedings, unevenly applied capital punishment shaped by statutory law erodes equal protection.

Supportive arguments for capital punishment are not without foundation. Retribution for taking someone’s life is a human reaction. But what argument nullifies or overrides the arbitrariness of application, the risk of executing the innocent, and statutory law blocking available evidence during federal appeals?

Indiana has not executed anyone since 2009 and has not handed down a death sentence since 2014. Eight remain on the state’s death row — one has resided there for 29 years — and no execution dates are scheduled. This picture does not close the door on the state’s capital punishment, however. In the Indiana Capital Chronicle in September 2022, Editor-in-Chief Niki Kelly noted five pending capital cases and argued that Indiana is at a “crossroads” with the death penalty.

Humanity has endorsed death as punishment for almost four millennia — since the Code of Hammurabi — evidence that highly varied cultures have treated the penalty as advancing civilization. Much of contemporary humanity nationwide and worldwide, however, has abolished capital punishment as injustice that is no longer tolerable. How will Indiana proceed?

Michael Quattrocchi is a retired clinical psychologist who has overseen mental health services in varied settings including state prison and has a special interest in select areas of mental health law.

This article originally appeared on South Bend Tribune: Indiana at a crossroads with the death penalty