Viewpoint: Indiana’s vulnerable wetlands at even greater risk

If there's anything that connects us as Hoosiers, it's the appreciation for our state's valuable natural resources, including clean water. Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling on Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency goes against scientific evidence and puts Indiana’s vital wetlands — and water quality — at a far greater risk. This decision comes on the heels of the Indiana state legislature’s passage of Senate Bill 389 (2021) and Senate Bill 414 amendment (2023) that have weakened state protections for wetlands.

The Supreme Court’s ruling sharply limits the EPA’s ability to protect wetlands under the Clean Water Act. Wetlands are already a threatened ecosystem in this country, as 50% of wetlands in the contiguous United States have been drained and converted to other uses, and remaining wetlands face threats like pollution. In Indiana, that number is a shocking 85%. Now only a small subset of wetlands that have a “continuous surface connection” to other bodies of water such as oceans, streams, rivers, or lakes are subject to the law’s restrictions on pollution. Previously, any wetland that was connected to navigable waters in any way at any time of the year was protected. This change removes protections for nearly half of all wetlands in the United States. In Indiana, where we have only 800,000 acres of wetlands remaining, a mere 20% will now be protected.

Gary Lamberti
Gary Lamberti

The requirement of “continuous surface water connection” is not based in the best-available science about hydrology and ecology, as surface water connections are only one way that wetlands are connected to the water cycle. As aquatic scientists, we know that there are no truly “isolated” bodies of water, and we continue to discover ways in which the health of all waterways is interconnected. It’s clear that these wetlands are still connected to larger bodies of water through either temporary surface water connections (like during spring floods) or groundwater. By removing protections for these wetlands, the court has struck a blow to all our nation’s bodies of water.

While small in size, wetlands provide more than their fair share of benefits. By collecting and storing rainwater and run-off, wetlands recharge our groundwater supply, benefitting everyone. This storage ability also provides natural flood control, with wetlands acting like sponges to absorb water and then slowly release it over time. Wetlands —nature’s kidneys — also improve water quality by removing pollutants and harmful chemicals. Finally, they provide habitat for numerous animals, including fish, amphibians, and birds.

Amaryllis Adey
Amaryllis Adey

In addition to playing an essential role in the natural world, wetlands support our economy. In the US, more than half of adults use wetlands to hunt, fish, and birdwatch. Nationally, outdoor recreation generates $887 billion annually. According to the Outdoor Industry Association, recreation in Indiana’s wetlands generates more than $15 billion annually. These wetlands serve as critical habitat for a variety of wildlife enjoyed by nature enthusiasts, hunters, and anglers. For example, birds that use wetlands during their migrations attract birdwatchers to our region every spring. Further, wetland-dependent fish constitute much of the recreational fishing harvest. Without wetlands, many of these recreational opportunities, and the economic and social benefits they bring, will be lost.

Lastly, some of us may reminisce about spending our childhoods near local ponds or creeks. We got to explore the natural world by splashing around with friends in a local wetland. These memories follow us into adulthood and remind us of the value of the natural world that sustains us. Wetlands provide value for us all, but our children and grandchildren will inherit the consequences of our decisions now.

Under the new ruling, many of these wetlands and their recreational, ecological, and societal benefits could be lost. We have an obligation to defend these habitats for ourselves, our neighbors, and future generations. We urge our fellow citizens to contact their legislators to voice their concern about these now unprotected wetlands. Let them know why you value our state’s and nation’s remaining wetlands and want them to be protected.

Katherine O’Reilly
Katherine O’Reilly

Gary Lamberti directs the Stream and Wetland Ecology Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame where Elise Snyder is a Ph.D. candidate and Amaryllis Adey is a Ph.D. student. Katherine O’Reilly earned her Ph.D. at the University of Notre Dame. Other lab members also contributed to this Viewpoint.

Elise Snyder
Elise Snyder

This article originally appeared on South Bend Tribune: Sackett v. EPA court ruling puts Indiana’s wetlands at greater risk.