Viewpoint: Outgoing S.B. trustee: We've done hard work, good work

As my South Bend Community School Corp. school board term comes to an end, friends and acquaintances have said to me, “I bet you’re so glad to get off the school board.” My answer is always the same, “We’ve done hard work, but it’s been good work.”

So now, I want to tell you about that work and celebrate the accomplishments of our district and our board in the last four years.

Our earliest challenge was to cooperate with the state in setting up the Empowerment Zone. This effort was difficult both politically and logistically and required serious attention to allocation of resources. We continue to have a close and cooperative partnership with the Zone.

New leader named:South Bend Empowerment Zone names next chief with background in public, charter education

Our board is deeply grateful for this community’s support of public education. In 2020, the voters supported the referendum at a rate of over 60%, surprising all of us who worked to pass it. Because of these funds, we increased teacher salaries, added social workers and literacy specialists. Because of these funds, we can now stay solvent and repair our buildings.

We met the pandemic challenge determined to provide support for our students and staff. Our board spoke with one voice in requiring masks. During those difficult months, we were able to maintain teaching and learning because of the groundwork that had been laid by providing one-to one computers. Our teachers went above and beyond during those difficult e-learning days. We offered at-home COVID tests and vaccination clinics to students when they returned to school.

Our contract with Chartwell’s meant that we could feed students and families quality meals during the pandemic, when they returned to school, after school and during vacations. Students showed their approval of the menus by eating more school meals than ever before.

In transportation, we reestablished the three-tier timetable and made routes more efficient, resulting in more students getting to school on time. New technology on buses means we can keep better track of students for families.

We approved a new Shared Rights and Responsibilities document aimed at reducing disproportionality in student discipline. We are carefully monitoring data and coaching adults in the implementation.

In cooperation with the Health Department, we now require lead screening for incoming kindergartners. We were only the second district in the state to do so.

Another cause for celebration is all the ways we have expanded Internet access for our students and families. With Wi-Fi buses, hot spots and additional towers, we are closing the digital divide in our neighborhoods.

We have established new Pre-K programs in seven schools, with two more planned.

Our latest student achievement data is promising. In comparing 2021 and 2022 ILEARN English/Language Arts scores, we saw a percentage increase of students demonstrating mastery at all grade levels, except for Grade 8. All grade levels showed an increase in percentage of students demonstrating mastery in Math ILEARN. In third grade, we saw an increase of 4.4%. Redesign schools, Muessel and Marquette, saw increases of 14.7% and 19.2% respectively.

As a board, we made several improvements in governance. We developed a new strategic plan setting goals in academic achievement; equity, inclusion and justice; financial responsibility; and community partnerships. We created a new superintendent evaluation tool, allowing us to set goals with the superintendent collaboratively, tied to the strategic plan. The superintendent can now be evaluated on observable results, rather than subjective opinion.

We also established a committee system, like the city’s, where school board members can receive information in greater depth. Since these committees are open to the public, we have improved transparency, giving the public an expanded window into the board’s thinking.

Incoming board members will add new perspectives. As a former principal and superintendent, Mark Costello understands the work necessary and the proper role of a board member. Kate Lee brings a vast network of community relationships for the benefit of our schools. Both have common sense and are delightful people. They face important challenges: declining state support for public education, safety issues in schools, teacher recruitment and retention, the fate of the Empowerment Zone, fulfilling the requirements of the consent decree and difficult decisions about facilities.

Yes, we’ve done hard work, but it’s been good work, and more good work is coming.

Ruth Warren, has represented District 1 on the South Bend school board of trustees since 2019.

This article originally appeared on South Bend Tribune: Outgoing South Bend school board member Ruth Warren on successes..