Vigo health officials keeping eye on COVID-19 numbers

Nov. 7—Though COVID-19 has not been a significant part of America's daily discourse for a gratifying amount of time, officials at the Vigo County Health Department worry that the number of cases could rebound disturbingly as the weather gets colder.

"We've been in a period for the past two years with limited contact [among citizens]," said Shelby Jackson, the department's health educator and media coordinator. "Now that schools are back, colleges are back, work's back in full force, we're all living in a mini petri dish where the virus is just mutating and spreading, and it's thriving right now."

Nursing director Linda Deckert reported that last week there were 28 new cases in Vigo County on Monday, with 17 on Tuesday, 12 on Wednesday, eight on Thursday and six on Friday. She noted these numbers come only from hospitals and clinics and does not include people who tested themselves.

Insurance billing specialist Robin Maurer reported that 15-20 adults per day are coming in for boosters. Five children between the ages of six months and four years are getting shots every week, with two to five a day among those 4 to 12.

Maurer noted that the Health Department is not currently giving shots to walk-ins. Only appointments are being accepted; those can be made by calling 812 462-3431.

"Most people who have the recent boosters aren't feeling real bad [if they do get COVID] — it's more like cold symptoms," Deckert said.

Death records clerk Brooke Foltz reported that deaths in Vigo County numbered four in October, five in September and four in August. Two of those lived in other counties but the people died in Vigo County.

"Last month, we had a man whose son came from another state and he got sick when he got here, and he just died from it and his parents didn't know he had it," said Donna Weger, the coroner's office office manager and a deputy coroner.

She said that by Indiana law, "On death certificates, you cannot put COVID as the immediate cause of death on the first line of a death certificate. You have to list it as a contributory factor."

Weger said that many people remain steadfastly reluctant to get the vaccine.

"You try to do the best you can to protect yourself, but I get families come in here, they wouldn't get a vaccination for nothing," She told of a case where a woman got vaccinated but her husband didn't; the husband died.

"It's like voting — you can vote or not vote, but if something doesn't go good, you can't complain," Weger said.

Jackson and Deckert said that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are constantly updating their observations and policies regarding the virus.

Whereas losing one's sense of smell and sense of taste were once considered primary symptoms, Jackson noted, the main symptoms nowadays are a sore throat (for those who have received two shots) and headaches (for those who have received one shot).

Deckert added, "The CDC put something out about two weeks ago about lifting the mask mandate on long-term care facilities" Conventional wisdom is that masks will be mandated anew in the not-to-distant future. They're still being worn in hospitals and clinics.

The approaching flu season provides more reason for vigilance — it's recommended that patients receive flu shots and boosters simultaneously.

"They're telling me it's going to be the worst flu that we've had in 10 years," Weger said.

Jackson said, "We're getting to the point where it's hard to differentiate between flu and COVID, so a lot of people will still go out if they have a runny nose or cough and think it's not as severe, but they're not taking into consideration others who may have a weakened immune system."

Weger employed a great deal of understatement when she said, "It's been a hard couple of years."

David Kronke can be reached at 812-231-4232 or at