A Viral Twitter Thread Mocking Unrealistic Ads Poses the Question: What Do Women Do in the Bathtub?

The pictures show women bathing while enjoying luxurious food and drink options

A sarcastic Twitter thread has gone viral after a user posted a series of advertisements for bathtub trays showing women in the tub with extravagant food and drink spreads and an unnecessary number of electronic devices.

The thread started with a post showing a woman smiling in the bath while sipping a latte with a heart swirled into the foam, while a glass of red wine waits on the tray in front of her.

“The people who manufacture bathtub tray systems seem to have no idea what women actually do in the bath and I find that strangely comforting,” the Twitter user said.

Thousands of users re-tweeted and liked the posts poking fun at the unrealistic bathtub scenes.

“Wait, what DO women do in the bath? Have I been doing it wrong the entire time?” one user asked.

The user posted another photo with a woman bathing in front of a tray stocked full of multiple kinds of cheese, two different types of wine, two iPhones and an iPad.

Another photo showed a bathtub tray holding nail polish, candles, cornflakes, an electric blue cocktail and an iPad open to a National Geographic article about the environment.

Twitter users had fun responding with other outlandish bathtub photos. One user asked, “Who even *needs* a bath tray when styrofoam take out containers float?!”

Other users chimed in with details about their own bathroom rituals. One user pointed out that many people opt for showers instead of baths. “I take showers. You can drink doing that, too,” the user helpfully noted.

The Tweets appear to be mocking Georgia-based RoyalCraft Wood bath trays, which retail for between $29.99 and $42.97 on the company’s website.