‘Virgin Mary Should’ve Aborted’: Facebook Page Slams Religion, Calls the Bible ‘Horse Manure’ and Sparks Major Free-Speech Controversy

There's a controversial Facebook fan page that is spawning frustration and anger among the faithful. Entitled, "Virgin Mary Should've Aborted," its contents are as offensive as its title -- especially to Christians who have a devotion to Christ's mother as one of the central figures of the faith.

As of this morning, the page had more than 5,300 "likes," featuring an image of the Jesus' mother smoking, among other potentially-inflammatory pictures and comments. A description of the page's "about" page claims that it is intended to be "a playground for fundamentalists and free-thinkers to challenge each other."

There's no doubt that the page, run by a 24-year-old named "Z" and a 23-year-old named Lilith, is intended to spark controversy -- even anger. In fact, the two note that anyone who finds themselves offended should consider themselves among their "target demographic."

Virgin Mary Shouldve Aborted Facebook Page Calls the Bible Outdated Traditional Horse Manure and Sparks Major Free Speech Controversy
Virgin Mary Shouldve Aborted Facebook Page Calls the Bible Outdated Traditional Horse Manure and Sparks Major Free Speech Controversy

Screenshot from Facebook

"The purpose here is exposing the heinous absurdity that is organized religion, and its detrimental affects on seemingly reasonable human beings. We call religious bigots on their blatant hate, rustling their jimmies with obvious satire," the description continues.

As for the Bible, the two dismiss it as "a load of outdated traditional horse manure" and claim that it has no place in law, politics or government. They provide the familiar claim that religion is merely a means for societal control. While "Z" and "Lilith" are likely not their real names (they claim they have concealed their identities for fear that extremists will hunt them down and kill them), they have shared their real pictures on the page.

"Unlike god, we can provide proof of our existence," they write.

A quick look at the page offers up a litany of anti-religious sentiment. Z and Lilith make the point to note that, despite lambasting Mary, they are really against all organized religion. Here are just a few of the messages they've been sending out:

  • "Future historians will look back on this embarrassing culture and laugh. Theocracy is complete idiocy."

  • "Organized religion is not only an evidently harmful to humankind, but indoctrination removes love, empathy, compassion, intelligence and reasoning from seemingly "civilized" humans - which allows for this brainwashed barbaric behavior to even occur. It continues to divide and destroy us, holding us back from universal equality, peace and progress."

  • "Has anyone ever listened to a theist describe the first time they felt a presence of their "savior" or deity? Usually its a voice. Their experience generally entails some extent of mental breakdown, typically out of frustration."

  • "According to [C]hristians, slavery is not wrong. How can they think this way? They honestly believe that all humans are slaves of "god", and proud of it."

Christians are obviously less-than-content with the Facebook page's messaging. Here's how LifeSiteNews.com describes it: "The website says that God raped the Virgin Mary and speculates on the sex life of the famous girl, whom the Muslims hail in the Koran and Christians call Jesus' Blessed Mother. The accusation that the world would be better off if Jesus Christ had been aborted like more than 50 million American children since 1973 is a common one."

Virgin Mary Shouldve Aborted Facebook Page Calls the Bible Outdated Traditional Horse Manure and Sparks Major Free Speech Controversy
Virgin Mary Shouldve Aborted Facebook Page Calls the Bible Outdated Traditional Horse Manure and Sparks Major Free Speech Controversy

Screen shot from Facebook

A Twitter response is planned between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. ET today, during which people opposed to the website's messaging will use the hashtag #StopFBAntiChristianBias. As LifeSiteNews notes, conservatives have frequently complained about a perceived bias in how they are treated on Facebook. The outlet provides more information about the planned response:

Under "Hate Speech," Mark Zuckerberg's massively popular site states: "While we encourage you to challenge ideas, institutions, events, and practices, we do not permit individuals or groups to attack others based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition."

That has spurred Christians into action. Cary Bogue, the ministerial student in his mid-50s who organized Wednesday's Tweetfest, founded his page, "Catholics and Protestants Against Facebook Discrimination."

"We exist to remind Mark Zuckerberg and his company they need to follow their own guidelines," the page says. "We will not be silent!"

As of Wednesday morning, more than 16,400 people have also signed a petition that was organized by America Needs Fatima, asking Facebook to shut down the page. While some will favor this act, others will defend free speech and the idea that all ideas, within reason, should be welcome -- even those that offend.

What do you think?


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