Virginia Beach urban rescue team to respond to Hurricane Henri

As Hurricane Henri approaches the northeast United States, a group of Hampton Roads search and rescue specialists has been called in to help.

Eight members of Virginia Task Force 2 Urban Search and Rescue Team were activated and left for Boston around 5 a.m. Saturday. When they left, the storm was designated a tropical cyclone. Later, it grew to hurricane strength.

The Virginia Beach-based team operated under FEMA and is one of 28 teams across the country. Team members deployed to Surfside, Florida, in July to assist with search and rescue at the Champlain Condominium Collapse.

Hurricane Henri largely bypassed Hampton Roads, although the National Weather Service’s Wakefield office advised of high swells and rip currents Saturday.

The National Hurricane Center advised that Rhode Island, Connecticut, Long Island and southeastern Massachusetts would see heavy rains and potential flooding late Saturday or early Sunday.

Josh Reyes, 757-247-4692,