Visit the Coral Gables Museum. It just might change your negative perceptions | Opinion

We are still wondering why the negative comments and misinformation about the Coral Gables Museum persist. The museum is a community museum that always puts the city of Coral Gables first. It attracts visitors to see world-class exhibits and appreciate what the city has to offer and how it is represented in its historic cultural institution.

Have the naysayers ever visited, except for parties with free wine? The comments about the removal of the historic George Merrick exhibition are wrong. It is still there — newly refurbished, modernized and conserved.

The books, photos and documents are gone because they sat under non-archival glass for more than 10 years, an unacceptable museum practice. They were difficult to see. Now in a digital format looped on a screen, they can be enjoyed, and protected. Some people do not like change, but the future is here, and we are all attached to our screens, so the exhibit really is visitor-friendly, not dark and boring.

Yes, most of the rocks are gone, but the lovely stained-glass windows are uncovered and other exhibits showcasing the city are installed — did people miss the Dorothy Thomson exhibit? She was the mayor of Coral Gables, and her archive gifted to the museum is historic.

Our mission is to show architecture and art and celebrate what is unique about the city and beyond. There is an ongoing series of architectural lectures in collaboration with the University of Miami School of Architecture and Books & Books. Have you seen the creative children, and adults expressing themselves in the Zahner Education Gallery? They are residents. Did you see the latest exhibits that received world-class attention, from Ukraine, local artists, and now Venezuela?

Our visitor numbers are fantastic — how many are residents? Should we be attracting a diverse audience of visitors that will then enjoy our restaurants and shops? Have you noticed the changes to the physical spaces initiated by the director as part of his initiative for improvements? Do you know the constant battle with the city to fix the roof and leaks that look terrible and threaten everything? Did you know the Community Room — for the community — is undergoing complete refurbishing, new floors, acoustics and technology? Instead of looking only at the negative, why not positively support this jewel in our beautiful little city — become a member, join in the special events and be proud. But first, come visit.

Carol Damian, Ph.D., is on the board of directors of The Coral Gables Museum. Jose Valdes-Fauli is board chairperson.
