Visit the Real Hawkins, Indiana in This Fun "Stranger Things" Tour

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

From Seventeen

Ever wanted to actually visit Hawkins, Indiana and see more of the small town that all your favorite Stranger Things characters call home? You actually can!

Civitatis have created their own Stranger Things tour that will take you all around Atlanta, Georgia, to check out all the best spots that were featured on the show. According to The Manual, the tour starts off at Emory University’s Briarcliff campus which was used as the exteriors for the Hawkins Laboratory in the first season.

The tour also drives you around other spots in town like the real life Starcourt Mall (yes, it's totally real!) and the town's local movie theatre. They also take you to the school that was used to be Hawkins Middle School and other places where Eleven was hiding in during season two.

For the tour's final spot, you'll get to visit Screen Gems Studios, the very place they shoot most of the scenes from Stranger Things. The great thing about the tour is that it's a mini-bus tour, so you won't have to do much walking, but you'll still have the chance to get out and check out all the locations yourself and take some photos.

They're even pick you up and drop you off at your hotel so you can relax after the four-hour tour before heading off and doing something else around Atlanta. So get ready to head back to 1985 and hopefully you won't get trapped in the Upside Down as you get ready for season four.

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