Voice of the people: Founding fathers knew what they were doing

The founding fathers, framers of our Constitution knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.
The founding fathers, framers of our Constitution knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.
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Founding fathers knew what they were doing

I read your opinion piece in today’s Ledger (Sunday, May 14, 2023), and I must say that it seems that a scholar like you could have come up with much better responses to the question about gun ownership and the Second Amendment. I have some suggestions.

You could pointed out that, regardless of what’s reported on the news, the chances of any law-abiding citizens getting shot are miniscule. Or that the United States is a much bigger nation, with a more diverse population than any other nation in Europe. Then that guns, in the hands of law-abiding citizens in the USA are used anywhere from 1.5 million to 3 million times every year to prevent a crime (many without any shot ever being fired). Finally, Germany was the ideal place to point out that in 1938, the German government disarmed its citizens to “keep them safe.” Then, between 1938 and 1945, they rounded up and exterminated over 13 million Jews and other “undesirables.”

This is a pattern that has been repeated by governments throughout history.

The founding fathers, framers of our Constitution knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

Ronald L. James, Lakeland

Would Jesus carry a gun?

I enjoyed reading the columns of Bruce Anderson "The Second Amendment: Founding fathers blew it" and Cary McMullen "Change the narrative: mass shootings are terrorism."

Too many people believe that the right to own a gun is God given. I don't believe that Jesus would carry a gun. (Matthew 26:52 - Then Jesus said to him, “Put the sword back into its place. All those who use the sword will die by the sword.")

I agree that we have mentally unbalanced people and political weirdos around the world. Some of them hold public offices in Washington DC and Tallahassee, Florida.

Stephen Hart, Lakeland

A suggestion for Gov. DeSantis on immigration

I have a suggestion as to how Ron DeSantis could really jump to the front of the Republican ticket for president, and it is definitely not sending Florida police officers and National Guardsmen to Texas to guard the border. (DeSantis makes push to help with border, 5/18/2023)

DeSantis could demonstrate his brilliance by making a forceful argument to deal with the cause and not the symptoms of the migrations. Get some Western countries together, go to the OAS to sanction the military force, and then go in and take out the thugs that are causing the people to flee for their lives. We did that in Panama with Noriega under Pres. G.H.W. Bush.

DeSantis has degrees from Harvard and Yale. Let's see him prove that he deserves them, particularly given that he is now in the process of destroying the incentive to do business in Florida.

Richard Sutherland, Lakeland

Leaving the Republican party

Campaign season is upon us and I wanted to throw my hat in the ring.

I sent my resume to the RNC for feedback and received a listing of what my qualifications lacked. I have no felony convictions, no sexual abuse and defamation convictions. I have never kept Top Secret documents at my house or refused to give them back even when subpoenaed to do so. I have never incited an insurrection. I've never been indicted for election, tax or bank fraud. I've never betrayed the public trust. I've never imposed my religious beliefs on others. I don't support book banning, discriminate against people because of who they love, or restrict voting rights because of the color of their skin. Finally, I don't support open carry, gun purchases by minors, or purchases of guns without a background check. And, I'm not a white supremacist.

I thought I had a lot to offer, but telling the truth and my respect for women is disqualifying for the GOP. I think I'll have to leave the party and I encourage all other moral Republicans to join me.

The time is near that the GOP will rightfully be defined by the company they keep.

Bruce W. Paulson, Winter Haven

NAACP wrong to issue travel warning

The NAACP, in all its misguided glory has declared a travel warning for the state of Florida.

The citizens of Florida are not openly hostile to any group. Because many do not want gender transformation taught in schools has nothing to do with people of all colors and genders from traveling in our state without fear of reprisal.

The pot is being stirred by the NAACP to cause division in an area where there is none. It does not deserve the place of lead story in the Ledger nor does any race baiting article.

Linda Campbell, Lakeland

This article originally appeared on The Ledger: Voice of the people: Founding fathers knew what they were doing