Voice of the People: Letters on abortion and police standards

Police need to be licensed

In light of the recent local shooting incident in Akron, and similar situations across the country, it is time to consider a change to assist those working in law enforcement.

The rationale is to protect both the public and the public servant working inside of this discipline. Because of the increased complexities of types of crime, mental health and domestic issues coupled with gun laws that allow everyone to carry, every officer needs to be more educated to manage unfolding situations.

Policing needs to now be elevated to a licensed professional status, as nursing and pharmacy is already, with a state board verifying individual competencies via testing and uniform educational requirements.

This board should be comprised of seasoned licensed officers, an ethicist, civilians, an attorney and a psychologist.

The educational requirements for police should include sociology and psychology, including one course of abnormal psychology. Classes covering effective communication skills, de-escalation practices, justice studies, family education, race relations and ethics, should be provided.

Police rarely work in pairs anymore and solid independent assessment of situations with a rational response that is evidence based is essential. They need to have the tools to deal with the myriad layers of problems they deal with every day and a set of regulations to back them.

Emily Anderson


Ohio should vote on abortion rights

The Supreme Court counted its votes on abortion in June, overturning Roe v. Wade.

I believe it's time for all Ohioans to have their votes counted.

Should the Ohio Constitution be amended to codify the court's decision? Yes, or no? The ruling was sufficiently controversial that all Ohioans should have a say.

Ed Wronkovich


This article originally appeared on Akron Beacon Journal: Ohio needs to license police as professionals