Voices in our community: Art and activism in Rochester with Ravi Mangla

Ravi Mangla believes it's hard to live in a place like Rochester and not feel political.

"When you see the history of activism that's happened in this area, from groups like FIGHT to the civil rights movement in the 60s to the uprisings here over the past couple of years ― this is an intensely political city."

Mangla, a Pittsford native, is a political organizer and author. His latest novel, "The Observant," is a political piece of fiction focused on an imprisoned filmmaker in a distant land who is offered his freedom in exchange for his integrity.

Listen to our conversation with Ravi Mangla on the intersection of art and activism in Rochester.

On the next episode of Voices in Rochester, we'll speak with a local digital creator, Whitney Young, about freelancing as a creative in the city.

Contact Robert Bell at: rlbell@gannett.com. Follow him on Twitter: @byrobbell & Instagram: @byrobbell. This coverage is only possible with support from our readers.

This article originally appeared on Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Voices in our Community: Art, activism and politics in Rochester NY