Voices of Faith: Advent a 'precious time' in the world's whirlwind pace

Rev. Laurie Metzko
Rev. Laurie Metzko

Advent is upon us. The first Sunday of Advent is Nov. 27. I have to admit I was in my 20s before I attended a church that actually acknowledged Advent in their worship services. It was a whole new experience and a learning curve for me.

The first thing I noticed was that Christmas carols were not sung during this time, at least not most of them. In place of them were songs about waiting and anticipation. Songs that were contemplative, a very different vibe than what we all hear on the radio and in all the stores during this time of year. Yes, Advent was a different thing altogether. While the world was already festive and celebrating, the church was waiting – waiting for the Christ child to be born once again.

I had many questions as I learned about Advent. First and foremost, why can’t we sing our beloved Christmas carols? So it turns out, the answer was quite simple: Christ hasn’t been born yet. How can we sing about something that we are in waiting for?

I never thought about it that way but now, especially as a pastor, I cannot help but recognize the importance of this time of waiting. Each week typically focuses on a different theme. Hope. Peace. Joy. Love. Each week these themes give us pause along with scriptures that anticipate the arrival of the Christ child. While the world is in a frenzy of preparation, the church takes a step back and slows the pace even if only for an hour on Sunday mornings.

For me, Advent has become a precious time I look forward to each year. It allows space to breathe, time to catch your breath before heading back out into the whirlwind pace of the world.

What about you? Do you acknowledge Advent, this time of waiting? Perhaps this year you might approach it with a better understanding of what it’s all about. You might hear the lyrics of the Advent songs we sing with a new appreciation.

Maybe I’ve peaked your curiosity and you’ll find a worship service near you because space to breathe is what you need. Most of all I hope you find the Sacred during this time because the Sacred is in and around us everywhere. We need only stop long enough to find God waiting there with us as we make that journey to Bethlehem and discover once again a baby in a manger – the Christ child.

May your Advent season provide you with a time of renewal as you anticipate the beauty and excitement that surrounds your Christmas Day. May you find hope, peace, joy, and love in your time of waiting

This article originally appeared on Record-Courier: Voices of Faith: Advent a 'precious time' in the world's whirlwind pace