Voices of Faith: New moon ushers time of reflection as Rosh Hashanah approaches

Rabbi Michael Ross, Rabbi of Temple Beth Shalom in Hudson, holds a candle during a candlelight vigil for George Floyd in downtown Cuyahoga Falls.
Rabbi Michael Ross, Rabbi of Temple Beth Shalom in Hudson, holds a candle during a candlelight vigil for George Floyd in downtown Cuyahoga Falls.

This past week marked a significant, yet minor moment on the Jewish calendar. The new moon, which appeared last weekend, signifies that the Jewish New Year, or Rosh Hashanah is exactly four weeks away. (For rabbis, this also marks the start of a busy season of extensive sermon writing!)

Somewhat similar to the Catholic observance of Lent, this month marks a time of reflection in the Jewish community as we look at preparing ourselves for a new year.

This week, Jewish communities welcomed the month of Elul. And there are a small number of spiritual practices that guide our steps during Elul. In traditional settings, the shofar, or ram’s horn, is sounded after morning prayer services. The sound of the shofar is a wake-up call to our souls. As we wake up to our lives, we notice how distant we feel from being our best selves, from feeling connected to holiness in our lives.

In the Jewish liturgy, we offer a daily recitation of Psalm 27, where one of the verses speaks directly to this dilemma: “One thing I ask from God, one thing I seek. To dwell in God’s house all the days of my life.”

How can we begin to notice the distance between our reality today and how we hope to re-connect to the “Source of Life,” or whatever our name for divinity is?

Another spiritual practice for the month of Elul, is a journaling practice called Cheshbon Hanefesh, or accounting of the soul. The seeker takes up pen and paper, or new Google doc, to reflect on how they can lead their best lives in this upcoming year. We reflect on the stumbling blocks that trip us up. We reflect on our missteps and where we have come up short. The rabbis of the Talmud call this “missing the mark,” as in an archery contest. How can we improve our aim in the upcoming new year?

These are complex, important questions. Some folks put them off until the holiday itself. I have found that taking some time in the weeks before the holiday is invaluable to me to comprehend how I am navigating the difficult decisions and patterns in my life.

To bring intentionality, or kavanah,  to practices enhances their efficacy. Yoga and meditation instructors teach this regularly. The Jewish tradition also uses this secret ingredient to enhance our spiritual practices.

At Temple Beth Shalom in Hudson, we will have a few opportunities to explore and discuss these ideas. At 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, we will host a text study and journaling session, dessert and then a Selichot service, where we will sing some of the holiday melodies and recite some of the most important liturgy. At 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 24, we will host “Prayer Lab,” as we discuss the High Holiday prayers. Come enjoy a bagel brunch with us!

May we each wake up to the preciousness of this gift of life we have been given.

Rabbi Michael Ross is the rabbi at Temple Beth Shalom in Hudson and the Senior Jewish Educator at Kent State Hillel. He also teaches in the Jewish Studies department at Kent State.

This article originally appeared on Record-Courier: Voices of Faith: The month before Rosh Hashanah is time for reflection