Voices: I’m 13 – and when I heard about the new TikTok feature, I wanted to use it immediately

Voices: I’m 13 – and when I heard about the new TikTok feature, I wanted to use it immediately

I am 13 years old. I am a student at a high school in Worthing. I use my phone regularly for things like Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube – and also to keep in contact with my family and friends. When I read about the new time limit option on TikTok, I had one reaction: yes, I’d use it.

Why? Well, I use TikTok fairly sporadically. My main reason for using it is to see what is out there or what people are doing on it. I like to watch DIY videos and hacks or things about football. TikTok is good because you can learn how to dance, learn about sports and even keep up with the latest trends.

It also gives you new ideas on things and creative stuff. There is no social pressure at school to be on it. I feel that boys and girls are using it equally the same. Or maybe more of the girls.

But when it comes to the way it can suck you in: well, I don’t like that it can take up a lot of time as you find yourself just keeping on scrolling for things without any meaning. I think I would stick to using the time limit on TikTok (any account belonging to someone under 18 will now automatically be subject to a 60-minute daily screen time limit, the tech giant has revealed) as it’s better for kids like me and our mental health.

If the time limit is too soft – or to easy to overrule – then our parents will just have to control it more; or the app will have to introduce tougher restrictions.

I personally enjoy doing other things, away from a screen – like going outside and exercising, meeting my friends and educational stuff, too. I don’t spend that much time on TikTok anyway as I play football and have weekly commitments. In my free time I love to meet friends and I scoot.

But yes, I would abide by the time limit on TikTok. I personally see (and have seen in the past) some of my friends being really preoccupied with it and not able to get off it. I think under the age of 14, parents should be able to control how long children are on social media. That seems fair and sensible.

Above the age of 14, I think I would be able to control or set my own time limits. And I wouldn’t like to be told I had to use them – or to not be given a choice.