Voldemort’s Robes in the ‘Harry Potter’ Movies Faded in Color Every Time a Horcrux Was Destroyed

Photo credit: Warner Bros.
Photo credit: Warner Bros.

From Cosmopolitan

It’s said that humans spend one-third of their lifetime sleeping, but in my case, I’m pretty sure that third was spent rewatching all eight Harry Potter movies. I can quote each film from start to finish and even have the books partially memorized.

I didn’t think there was anything about the series I didn’t know, until today, when the Wizarding World Instagram dropped a major bomb on me.

According to the official Instagram, the Harry Potter costume designers snuck a hidden detail into Voldemort’s robes that you probably never even noticed. Apparently, each time a Horcrux was killed in the two Deathly Hallows movies, Voldemort’s robes appeared faded in the following scene!!! The decision was meant to make it appear as though he was “slowly fading away.” How TF did I not notice this?!

“Did you know? In the Harry Potter films, Voldemort’s robes faded in colour every time a Horcrux was destroyed, to give the impression he was slowly fading away,” the caption reads. WHY, NO, I DIDN’T!

This explains why Voldemort’s remains crumbled and blew away when he died in the final scenes of the movie instead of leaving a body behind like he did in the books.

J. K. Rowling, you never stop surprising me.

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