Vote for new candidates; pros and cons of marijuana legalization; much more: Your letters

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Editor's note: The deadline for letters to the editor for the Nov. 8 general election is 6 p.m. Sunday without exception. The American News will print as many as space allows with preference given to local writers.

Time for new faces in Pierre, Washington

You are asked to vote for governor, state legislators, U.S. Senator and U.S. House of Representatives candidates this year. But, It’s the same old faces, the same old song and dance.

Let’s vote in some new faces. A new governor, some new legislators in Pierre and in Washington, DC.

You know Kristi Noem passed a law forcing every pregnant woman to give birth, even a raped grade school girl. Absolutely no exceptions, no medical exceptions, none! It is now state law. We need a new governor.

When reading the list of names up for election, let’s put our mark by the new names. Let’s vote for new faces in Pierre, and in Washington, DC. It’s time.

Vote. Vote. Vote your thoughts, it’s your voice. It’s your vote.

Dale Roth, Astoria

Clean or cloudy water for your coffee?

South Dakota is a heavily Republican state. That means most of you reading this are Republicans. That also means some of you would vote for an ear of corn before you would vote for a Democrat. If that applies to you, don't feel badly. Clearly, many Democrats in California would rather vote for a nut before they'd vote for a Republican.

But let's not go down these old and divisive partisan roads. Instead, let's consider something we all have in common and use every day: drinking water. Now, let's use our imaginations and pretend Gov. Kristi Noem and her opponent, State Rep. Jamie Smith, have been transformed into pitchers of water sitting on your kitchen counter. What would each look like?

After four years of one scandal after another and multiple allegations of impropriety, Noem would appear dirty, cloudy and dark. That is, if she were still on your counter. Considering the many trips out of state she made during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to glad-hand for her own future presidential run by sucking up to an even cloudier Donald Trump, she'd more likely be found in Washington or Mar-a-Lago than in your kitchen.

With no scandals on his resume, Smith would appear that he is, in his public life, clean, clear and beyond reproach.

Which pitcher of water would you use to make your hot tea or coffee? Exactly. Since you are particular about your breakfast beverage, it stands to reason you'd be even more particular about who is your governor and their character or the lack thereof.

Kristi Noem has become an unfit and ugly embarrassment to beautiful South Dakota. Consider voting for Jamie Smith, even if he is a, you know…

Douglass Carter, Aberdeen

South Dakota well-positioned to help meet increasing demand for electricity

I am pleased to see Gov. Kristi Noem sign a proclamation recognizing National Clean Energy Week, and I am proud that South Dakota is a national leader in producing renewable energy.

Over 82% of electricity in our state is generated from renewable sources, and we have the opportunity to produce even more. South Dakota is leading the nation in processing biofuels, and the governor recently announced support for a project that will use ethanol to produce jet fuel. It is the first billion-dollar-plus project in the history of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development.

Renewable energy is a major driver for economic development in our state, supporting thousands of jobs and providing millions in tax revenue. As our nation’s energy needs continue to increase South Dakota is well-positioned to help meet the demand.

Kendra Hinz, Aberdeen

Election deniers are a threat to democracy

I keep hearing Republicans talk about the economy, border and defunding police as their campaign issues. If l am not mistaken, Republican legislators have been calling for defunding the FBl, the CIA, and the National Archives becauseof their investigation of Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago. This seems hypocritical after what they have said about defunding the police.

I believe that for the first two years of Trump's presidency the Republicans had control of of both houses of Congress, yet nothing was done to address immigration other than building a few miles of wall on the border. Trump said Mexico would pay for it. We all know who has paid for the walls built and repaired. It was not Mexico.

The main thing Republicans did during Trump's term was to reduce taxes for the wealthy and put more burden on the middle class. The four-year debt under Trump went up nearly $8 trillion. Not bad for a guy who campaigned on eliminating the national debt.

It always amazes me that the party of less government seems to the first in line to ask for help from the government when a disaster arises.

I believe the people of this country should remember that the economy will correct itself, but if our democracy is takenaway, it is forever gone. We will end up with autocracy or a dictator form of government. This is what the election deniers are working toward.

Gov. Kristi Noem brags about keeping the state open during COVID-19. Maybe that is the reason we are one of the top states in deaths per capita from COVID.

Charlie Flowers, Iroquois

There's a lack of partisan compromise, which produces the best legislation

Yes, your vote counts, for now. This election cycle is extremely important. It will determine the direction of our state and nation for generations to come. If you believe the 2020 election was stolen and those elected officials who push this notion are right, then vote for them. Keep in mind that if you do, your future rights and freedoms are in jeopardy. This is the group that wants to ban abortions completely, make gay and interracial marriages illegal again and give money precedence over citizens. Who knows what rights and freedoms they’ll repeal in the future?

There are efforts that would allow the state legislature to overturn popular votes of elections and “install” their candidate. This is alarming and needs to be addressed by our votes. Our government and how it is run matters. We are the land of the free and the home of the brave. Our rights should be inclusive and protected, not partisan and divisive. We need representatives working for our best interest as a nation, not for politics. Partisan compromise generally produces the best legislation. We haven’t seen much compromise lately and need to get back to that through, open debate and discussion, not closed sessions and back room deals.

Watch “The U.S. and the Holocaust” now running on PBS. This documentary shows how our anti-Semitic views and Jim Crow laws were guidelines for Hitler’s rise to power. Hitler used our Jim Crow laws as outlines for laws against Jews. The current rise of the anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic views is alarming. Our government should be addressing these issues instead of using them as political fodder. The violence around these issues needs to be denounced and those responsible held to account. This will not happen until we change who’s representing us. Go vote.

Rick Young, Aberdeen

Proud to support District 3 candidates

All voters in District 3 have the opportunity to vote for very outstanding legislative candidates in the November general election. Al Novstrup, Carl Perry and Brandei Schaefbauer will represent the district and our entire state with knowledge, integrity and common sense.

They will work for the betterment of our schools, health care systems and rural South Dakota while fighting to preserve a wholesome way of life for current and future generations. These people are visible and accessible to answer questions or to discuss the options of possible bills on your behalf.

I am proud to recommend Al, Carl and Brandei as District. 3 legislators. They are "South Dakota Strong." Please cast your votes for them either absentee or in person on Tuesday, Nov.8.

Lana Greenfield, Donald

Time for a U.S. senator who supports increased access to affordable health care

As an registered nurse and health educator, I believe access to affordable health care is a right. South Dakota's current U.S. senators representative do not. They consistently vote against health-related bills such as the Affordable Care Act, the PAC Act for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, the Right to Contraceptives Act, the Women’s Health Protection Act, the Workplace Violence Prevention for Heath Care and Social Service Workers Act and the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, to name a few.

John Thune voted against capping insulin prices. Thune voted yes on three separate bills to end the Affordable Care Act, potentially terminating health insurance for 30 million Americans and 150 million Americans with preexisting conditions. Thune voted to end Medicare as we know it and replace it with a voucher system. We deserve better than this.

Brian Bengs, candidate for U.S. Senate, has made a covenant with the people of South Dakota to expand access to affordable health care, reduce prescription drug prices and champion increased funding for Native American treaty obligations regarding health care. Bengs supports Medicaid expansion in South Dakota, which would provide coverage for more than 42,000 lower-wage workers who do not have health insurance through their jobs. Bengs would vote to protect and strengthen Medicare and Social Security, not weaken them as Thune has tried to do. Bengs will work to protect the Affordable Care Act which, has improved our health care system and ensured that South Dakotans with preexisting conditions have access to coverage.

If you care about your access to affordable health care, vote for Brian Bengs for senate, the right choice for South Dakotans.

Julia Natvig, Sioux Falls

Legalizing recreational marijuana would create concerning problems

Proposed legalization of “recreational marijuana” is not a political or libertarian issue, but a moral issue. Documented results, from states like Colorado, which legalized it in 2013, must be considered.

  1. Suicides associated with marijuana more than doubled as found in 51% of cases involving ages 10-19 in 2019, higher than alcohol. (2021 Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area report)

  2. Increased addiction since THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, has been developed from 1 to 3% in the plant in 1970 to 18 to 23%. “People who begin using marijuana before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder than adults.” (National Institute on Drug Abuse).

Also, “many marijuana retailers promote and profit from products such as vapes and edibles containing up to 95 to 99% THC … A landmark 2019 study published in the Lancet (medical journal) concluded that the risk of psychosis triples when using products with 15% THC potency or higher,” (Smart Approaches to Marijuana).

  1. Increased accidental poisoning in children. This is seen by many emergency room physicians. (Dr. Sam Wang, Children’s Hospital Colorado).

  2. More traffic deaths from drivers who test positive for marijuana, increasing 138% within a 29% overall increase. (2021 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas report.)

Many more results include workplace accidents, black market and cartels increasing, homeless users and increased taxes ($4.5 spent on social costs per $1 taken in).

Also, see for testimonials of parents who lost their children to marijuana.

Please join the request to vote no from these South Dakota organizations: the state medical association, the Academy of Family Physicians, the state chamber of commerce, the police chiefs' association, 63 of 65 South Dakota sheriffs and many others across our state. Please Vote no on Initiated Measure 27.

The Rev. Harvey Opp, Protecting South Dakota Kids, Vermillion

Noem's support of cutting food tax is a political ploy

Why does Gov. Kristi Noem continue to govern by error and trial by continually showing a personal, self-serving lust for political power?

I submitted a bill idea to eliminate this state’s sales tax on food shortly after the 2022 deadline for it to be considered by the legislature. This bill is desperately needed to help with the increased cost of food for the consumers of South Dakota that's caused by shelve shortages created by the health pandemic and worldwide climate change.

The voters of South Dakota are beginning to realize that Noem is selfish person. Her mentors include Donald Trump, a known sexual predator with four wives who paid prostitutes. He claimed that he has right to grope women because he has money.

I had the help of a former longtime state legislator Frank Kloucek, who expedited my food tax elimination proposal so it might be "hog-housed" during a committee hearing. Gov. Noem was informed of this late-filed bill and contacted Sen. Lee Schoenbeck, R-Watertown, after the Senate Bill 117 passed the House by a two-thirds vote. Then, she contacted Schoenbeck to let SB 117 die with no intention of ever signing it.

Noem's campaign promise to sign the exact food tax bill she opposed earlier this year is a desperate way to entice voters to win re-election.

Robert Thullner, Herreid

Bengs will fight for a government that works for South Dakota

In 1996, John Thune was elected on the premise that he supported term limits. Back then, our children took piano lessons from the same teacher, so we often crossed paths. Back then, Thune seemed sincere and believable. Now, I know better.

Now, 26 years later, John Thune is still in Washington, running again in hopes of bringing his tenure in Washington to over 30 years. He is no longer the believable man he was in 1996. He’s been in Washington so long that he’s forgotten the people who put him there in the first place. Most of us are not happy with how Washington is currently operating – and John Thune has been right in the middle of all of it. It’s time for a change.

Brian Bengs is a proud military veteran. Throughout his military career as a federal advisor and prosecutor, he dedicated himself to preventing and addressing corruption. Bengs ensured that decisionmakers complied with the law and upheld the high standards expected of military leaders.

Brian Bengs is a man who will keep his promises and will fight in Washington for a government that works for the people of South Dakota. Thune has had his chance. Let’s elect Brian Bengs!

Kaay Bowm, Sioux Falls

Commercials against legalizing marijuana are misleading

There are shades of 1930’s “Reefer Madness,” the first movie to condemn marijuana. This fictional movie showed teens becoming raving idiots and doing harm to one and all, all of which has been disproven in today’s world of research.

Contrary to the television commercial being pushed by Protecting South Dakota Kids, marijuana is probably less harmful than alcohol. If you Google “effects of marijuana,” you will have about 4.8 billion results. You can find just as many positives as negatives. Several things stand out about the commercial and website from Protecting South Dakota Kids. First, everything that is mentioned in the commercial is also a result of alcohol usage, but they never mention that. Also, if you look at their website, they give you a list of stories and the terrible things that happened and indicate they are all due to marijuana. If you read the stories, most have other drugs involved (heroin, cocaine, molly and alcohol, to name a few). We already know that marijuana has positive results in the medical field. If you abuse any drug, even aspirin or alcohol, there are negative effects.

We passed this once and should do it again. First, we can tax it. We could drop the tax on food, tax the legal marijuana and make up for what is lost. Secondly, if we legalize it, it will stop the illegal sales of marijuana. My thing is we have criminalized something that I believe is not as bad as alcohol. We should allow adults to use a natural drug if they so choose. I’m voting yes on Initiated Measure 27.

Paul A Harens, Yankton

Republicans seem to be spending lots of money, but what are they worried about?

Via fliers in the mailbox and ads on TV, local Republicans seem to be spending more on upcoming elections than in the recent past. What are they worried about? Do they think South Dakotans have developed a sudden interest in honesty, integrity and democracy and are about to vote them out of office? That would be a delightful prospect, but highly unlikely.

Perhaps they just have too much money and don't know where to spend it.

Terry Painter, Rapid City

This article originally appeared on Aberdeen News: American News letters to the editor for Oct. 29, 2022, in Aberdeen, SD