Your vote may not count much, but it matters

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Voting booths lined up next to each other.
Voting booths lined up next to each other.

“If voting really mattered they wouldn’t let us do it." — Mark Twain

A familiar complaint among the citizenry around election time — centered on the seeming irrelevancy of the ballot box and the feeling that an individual’s vote doesn’t matter since the established powers will continue to run affairs as they see fit, regardless of voter input —is encapsulated in the above quote by American humorist Mark Twain.

We are in the midst of an election and —whether Twain said it, or not —your vote absolutely counts.

But it doesn’t matter.

Sure, you’ll impact the total number of people who voted for a candidate, but your vote won’t change the outcome.

This may seem sardonic to some, but it’s not —I think voting is not only a right, but a sacred responsibility. I go to the polls, though I don’t think my vote will matter, because voting is our voice as citizens. But even so, satire is at the heart of humor and, more importantly, leads us to question (and repair) what is wrong with the world.

Your vote may not count much, but it matters.

We all have our reasons for voting —to honor those who fought and died for our freedoms or being an example to others in showing how voting symbolizes a faith in democracy, are two good ones.

This is America! Self-government is a team sport —and standing on the sidelines simply doesn’t cut it.

When Indian Wells voted to incorporate on June 27, 1967, voter turnout was upwards of 85% —and an incredible 93% (of the only 285 registered voters) cast their ballots in favor of incorporation, which passed by the highest percentage of voters in California's history!

Congressional elections have sometimes come down to a single vote in the past (Twice in Nevada, a coin flip determined the winner.) But the truth is, elections that matter are rarely ever close —even Bush vs. Gore was separated by several hundred votes. Counting errors (and recounts) make more of a difference than the casted vote of any individual.

In a perfect world where everyone voted —with zero error in counting ballots —no single individual could boast to be the decisive voter, the credit would be shared by millions. Even if it came down to a single vote, one individual’s ballot wouldn’t have an impact either way because it takes two votes to make the difference. This may be flawed logic, but some ambiguity remains about the exact value of one vote.

Casting your vote matters —and a news-informed, editorial-reading electorate is vital to the health of a nation —because all politics are local.

Though confidential, your vote remains a matter of public record —and elected officials are aware of the demographic groups doing the voting. The voiceless non-voter lacks power and misses out on a sense of pride that comes with participation, affecting history, and giving shape to the future.

I may not believe my vote matters much, but regardless of the outcome, I’ll receive benefit by voting. Like reducing one’s carbon footprint (or picking up trash on the trail), there’s a tangible payoff for the effort.

So be sure to vote at every opportunity.

Michael C. Seeger, a poet, writer and educator, lives in Cathedral City. Email him at

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Your vote may not count much, but it matters