Voters send message with TSPLOST failure. Government leaders best heed the rejection.

The following is from the Nov. 8 edition of the weekly "Savannah Town Square" opinion newsletter. The newsletter pushes to email inboxes every Tuesday morning. To sign up for this free newsletter, go to

Read my lips, local government officials: No new sales taxes.

Chatham County voters sent that message to leaders in the Nov. 8 general election, rejecting a proposal for yet another percentage increase on local sales taxes. This one was for transportation-related improvements and would have meant we pay a penny on every dollar spent for general infrastructure (SPLOST), another cent for education capital improvements (ESPLOST) and one more Lincoln for transportation infrastructure (TSPLOST).

TSPLOST fails: Chatham voters reject new sales tax meant to fund transportation projects

Road not taken: TSPLOST defeat should lead to new regional planning strategies

TSPLOST failed in the Nov. 8 election.
TSPLOST failed in the Nov. 8 election.

For only the second time in 30-plus years, voters said no to imposing a new tax on themselves - albeit narrowly, with a margin of 1,385 votes in a referendum that attracted more than 102,000 ballots cast.

Leaders will spin the failure, blaming it on circumstances, such as inflation. They’ll also point the finger at those who questioned TSPLOST (including yours truly) instead of swallowing the old line about how out-of-county residents pay for improvements via a sales tax.

Even as they deflect, hopefully they’ll embrace another takeaway: Voters are fed up with this approach to taxes. They can talk about contingency funds and matching grants and lowering millage rates but they need to recognize the public sees something else: Poor stewardship.

Slush fund?: One Chatham to get $10.2 million in TSPLOST? Let's call it what it is

Chatham County Commission Chairman Chester Ellis is pushing for more intergovernmental cooperation.
Chatham County Commission Chairman Chester Ellis is pushing for more intergovernmental cooperation.

Our collection of local governments are siloed. Leaders, such as Chatham Chairman Chester Ellis, speak of collaboration and trumpet taglines like “One Chatham” only to butt heads behind closed doors.

They expected voters to approve TSPLOST at a time when an existing sales tax - LOST, which is much more valuable to the citizenry - is in danger of expiring due to egos.

They expected voters to give millions to Chatham Area Transit via TSPLOST when some of them don’t even support the service.

They wanted TSPLOST despite their refusal to properly fund vital public services, such as the court system.

All too often, voters shrug their shoulders and check the “yes” box on these down ballot referendums and questions. Improvements that won’t impact my property tax bill? Sure, why not.

Voters are wising up; so too should our leaders. We’re at least two years away from the next sales tax appearing on the ballot - SPLOST will need to be extended before it expires. The next SPLOST will be the ninth incarnation.

To guarantee SPLOST’s passage, leaders need to take a more holistic view on fiscal responsibility and working together. Otherwise, they can expect more TSPLOST-like messages from voters.

Vox 2.0: Taking a break ...

Last week's Vox 2.0 question revolved around the Georgia Bulldogs and the College Football Playoff and was sure to attract responses ... except it didn't. There were plenty of distractions of course, what with the election and a hurricane. But the crickets heard and the relatively weak response in other weeks have us rethinking this newsletter component.

So for this week's Vox 2.0, the question is: What would you rather see instead? Some trivia? A poll? The old-style Vox where you can opine on anything?

Email your answer to or post to the Savannah Town Square Facebook group page. You'll find the graphs under the "Tuesday's Talking Point" with a comment section below it.

Podcasts: Election, before and after

On the Commute podcast, Savannah Morning News journalists discuss Election Day and the results. Also, sportswriter Dennis Knight previews the high school football playoffs, which began last Friday and continue later this week.

Click on the hyperlinks to listen to this episode or subscribe to the Commute by searching "The Commute with @SavannahOpinion" on your podcast app of choice.

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Scroll down for some of the week's best opinion columns.

— Written by Opinion Columnist Adam Van Brimmer. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @SavannahOpinion.

This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: Chatham Savannah transportation sales tax TSPLOST failed in election