Voting is open to decide the next piece of public art in Broomfield

Sep. 18—Voting is open for Broomfield residents to choose which mural will transform the interior of the George Di Ciero City and County building. Residents can vote through Sept. 29.

Two local artists, Stacey Reynolds and Julia Williams, have submitted their designs for the next piece of public art in Broomfield: "Beautiful Broomfield," by Reynolds and "Onward and Upward" by Williams are the final designs that aim to highlight and showcase the beauty of Broomfield. They can be viewed at

The building, named after former city manager George Di Ciero who passed away in 2020, is the hub for local government in Broomfield. The new mural will transform the lobby into a display of public art, focused on the beauty of the city and county.

The survey closes Sept. 29 at 5 p.m., and can be accessed at