W. Va. artist featured at OUS gallery

Aug. 28—Edwards now an OU professor

Ohio University Southern Art Gallery is featuring an exhibition of Harold K. Edwards paintings through a closing reception at 5 p.m. on Sept. 15.

"In all the arts, it seems that the visual artist's statements are the most grievous of attempts to mix means of expression," Edwards said about his work.

This exhibition will feature a collection of paintings that will be on display in Dingus Technology Center located on the Ohio University Southern campus. Edwards's paintings have been exhibited in various art galleries across the country, including the Main Art Gallery in Richmond, Virginia and the Marion Parson Alden Gallery at Ohio University in Athens.

Most recently his paintings were showcased at the Southern Ohio Museum and Cultural Center located in Portsmouth.

"Creative people must choose a process in which they feel comfortable," Edwards said. "It is my belief that a great number of visual artists have chosen their media because their skills in that field are stronger than their verbal skills. To ask a visual artist to explain verbally their works seems akin to fitting square pegs into round holes."

Edward received a Bachelor of Arts in Education from West Virginia State University and a Master of Arts in Humanities from Marshall University.

He began his career as a teacher, with positions at Kanawha County Schools and Lincoln County schools in West Virginia.

As his career evolved, Edwards held multiple higher education level positions.

He served as an interior architecture instructor at Ohio University, and an adjunct professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Art.

The Ohio University Southern Art Gallery is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. — 5 p.m.