These New 'Waffles + Mochi' Clips Support An Amazing Cause As You Watch

These New 'Waffles + Mochi' Clips Support An Amazing Cause As You Watch

I'm a sucker for a good Netflix binge-watch, but it's always disappointing when you finish what's available to stream and want even more content in between seasons. That said, fans of the new kid's cooking show Waffles + Mochi starring Michelle Obama can get exclusive content from your favorite characters thanks to a new Walmart partnership.

Walmart is teaming up with Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) and Higher Ground Productions to release The Hidden World of Waffles + Mochi which is based on the Netflix show and will inspire families to cook healthy foods with all sorts of ingredients.

The content will be accessible on any device by visiting Once you're there, you can find 20 different activities each centered around 10 ingredients. The activities will include ingredients like tomatoes, mushrooms, eggs, and rice, and will show viewers how to use these foods in their everyday dishes. There will be interactive games for kids to play like Mash Me If You Can! and Corn Hole that will teach them about nutritious foods.

When each experience is completed, users will be able to unlock special badges that will generate a donation from Walmart to PHA's Pass the Love campaign. This campaign focuses on food equity and accessibility to fresh produce and ingredients for all. Now through May 31, Walmart has committed to donating up to $1 million to the campaign to help feed families in need, and on May 31 will be asking customers in stores if they want to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar to donate.

You can access The Hidden World of Waffles + Mochi online starting today. Former First Lady and star of Netflix's Waffles + Mochi (again, that's one Michelle Obama!) said that this campaign will leave an impact on communities in need:

I’ve long said that supporting parents and helping our kids build healthy habits isn’t just a job for nonprofits or governments—the private sector has a critical role to play as well. That’s why I am proud to see Walmart continuing to lead the way with The Hidden World of Waffles + Mochi, a wonderful food adventure that not only educates families on how to make quick and easy meals at home, but also teaches kids that they can give back to their community at any age.

Always online trolling for cooking hacks? SAME. Let’s take our relationship to the next level.

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