Is Meghan Markle Allowed to Celebrate Thanksgiving?

Photo credit: Samir Hussein - Getty Images
Photo credit: Samir Hussein - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Photo credit: Samir Hussein - Getty Images
Photo credit: Samir Hussein - Getty Images

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching (turkey in T-minus three days, everybody!) you might be asking yourself: Can Meghan Markle, an American who married into the British royal family, celebrate this food-filled day of happiness? Great question.

In case you're a little rusty on your history, the whole reason Thanksgiving exists is because the pilgrims were like "Let's get the hell out of here," and left England to come to America to start their own nation. So, it might be a little weird for someone who now represents Britain to celebrate said holiday.

Last year, Meghan spent the day with her mother Doria Ragland in California. But that was back when we only knew Meghan as a Suits star and a former briefcase girl on Deal or No Deal. Just four days later, the royal fam announced her engagement to Prince Harry, and the world changed forever-don't @ me.

Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images
Photo credit: Chris Jackson - Getty Images

So what about this year? According to People, there's no official rule saying she *can't* celebrate. Plus, she and Harry have no events scheduled for this Thursday, which means they could be planning on stuffing their faces.

AND we all know how Meghan loves to cook various birds like turkeys and engagement chickens.

Photo credit: Instagram, Meghan Markle
Photo credit: Instagram, Meghan Markle

Back in 2015, she posted this pic with the caption, “Oh, that time I roasted a pretty perfect Thanksgiving turkey! The question is, can I do it again? The pressure is on!” LOL, "pressure," that girl had no idea what was coming for her.

So while there's no official word as to what their plans are, they could very well be celebrating. Cosmopolitan will update this post as any important/relevant Turkey Day details become available.

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