Walk, Run, Fish Huntington Beach Pier, No Loitering

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA —Residents in Huntington Beach can walk their pier once again, this week, thanks to approval by Orange County Supervisors. This is the first time the pier allowed foot traffic since it was shut down March 24 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Still, there are rules in place. Visitors will not be allowed to loiter or gather in large groups. They can walk, run, and otherwise exercise as long as they keep moving.

Fishing is allowed at the end of the pier, according to city spokesperson Eric McCoy.

"We ask people to keep moving and be mindful of social distancing," McCoy says.

As of Thursday, there are 326 residents of Huntington Beach who have tested positive for coronavirus out of the 5,646 who have tested positive in the county.

Like other businesses, the shop's operators are rethinking how shelves and pathways are organized, and will move many sale items outside.

"We're just happy to be back in business," Andrew Martin, owner of the Kite Connection store, on the pier told the Orange County Register in a recent report. "As soon as they reopened the pier, a lot of people were coming up and welcoming us back."

The 1,850-foot pier first opened in 1904. For more information on the city's reopening plans, follow their site established for that purpose: hbready.com/reopen.

This article originally appeared on the Los Alamitos-Seal Beach Patch