Walter Suza guest column: For the Fourth of July, a soul observes inequality and reflects

In the blackest realm of the universe, a thundering voice spoke to a multitude of souls: “Beloved, you shall become light and be born on July 4 in a galaxy far, far away.

“But I must warn you,” the voice proceeded, “many of you shall forget your home — even the moment cells from your mother and your father fused together to encase you in flesh, and how it felt to live underwater before birth.”

The voice then handed each soul a sealed note to be read only after birth. But Freedom, the curious one, upon retiring in the stellar nursery where the souls rested, opened her note. It read: “The land of the free.”

Freedom wanted to know about the land of the free, so she reached for the neutrino holding the history of the universe. The path to the United States meandered around the dark outer space where stars are born and sinewed into supermassive dark holes where stars die. The neutrino also revealed the history of the United States. It included not just bravery and patriotism, but also white supremacy, genocide, slavery, racism, and struggle for civil and equal rights.

Freedom knew that her look is as breathtaking as the aurora borealis, yet she still didn’t know if she would be born Black, White, female or male. Because the Declaration of Independence says that all men are created equal, she wondered if equality might pertain just to men. She thought of confronting the voice for answers. Then she remembered the command not to open the note.

She retired in her dark matter hammock and reflected.

If my biological mother is Black, she may die during my birth. Black women are 243% more likely to die because of pregnancy or childbirth complications. The termination of Roe by the U.S. Supreme Court nails women’s reproductive rights to the coffin of injustice. Sadly, my biological mother might be a child who has experienced rape or incest.

If we survive my birth, I may grow up in poverty. Fifty percent of children in America live in or near poverty. Black children are more likely to grow up poor than their white counterparts. Sadly, a bill that would have reduced child poverty lies dead in the U.S. Senate.

Being poor means a higher likelihood to live with hunger. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that in a given year 15% of American households with children experience food insecurity. Systemic racism exacerbates the problem for Black and Brown households.

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Growing up in poverty means a higher likelihood to experience abuse and trauma, which will impact mental health. Poor mental health can worsen behavior and academic performance. Poor behavior can lead to suspension or expulsion from school. Expulsion from school can lead to prison. Encounters with police can lead to death.

Poverty and poor education can increase the risk of becoming pregnant, and if I survive poverty and food insecurity, I may still feel the bullet travel through my heart. Guns are the leading cause of death in American children. Sadly, the Supreme Court has also made it easier for America’s streets to be flooded with guns.

She awoke on July 4 convinced the United States needed a new collective frame of mind.

When her sight gained clarity, she realized she had reached the asteroid belt. The blurred objects zooming by her confirmed she was at light speed. As she warped past Mars, she remembered the voice’s final words just before she awakened. “Let freedom ring.”

It was dusk when Freedom descended into the Earth’s atmosphere. Beneath the clouds, multitudes gathered to celebrate the United States' Independence Day. She thought the bright and colorful fireworks sparkles were like the nature of her luminescence.

Yet imagining that the multitude may have forgotten their home away from Earth made Freedom sad. Forgetting our home creates disillusionment that humanity is from disparate worlds. Our fear, hate, guilt, and shame make it harder to see ourselves in those we regard as enemies.

To help humans remember, she thought, is to challenge them to gain awareness like Albert Einstein with the atom bomb that “a new type of thinking is essential for mankind to survive.”

The atom bomb remains a danger to the United States, just as are indifference, lies, disinformation, polarization, and religious righteousness.

Freedom shall not ring if we think, like Benjamin Franklin, that “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.” If that were true, Franklin shouldn’t have been capable of freedom, because he owned slaves.

Freedom shall not ring if we think, like John Adams, that “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.” When individual rights of some impose on the well-being of others, the Declaration of Independence is nothing but a false promise.

May this July 4 arouse in us a greater desire to become “wise and honest,” as George Washington said, that the Constitution still needs “repair” so all Americans can have freedom.

Walter Suza, Ames Tribune guest columnist
Walter Suza, Ames Tribune guest columnist

Walter Suza of Ames writes frequently on the intersections of spirituality, anti-racism and social justice. He can be contacted at

This article originally appeared on Ames Tribune: Opinion: For July 4, a soul observes inequality and reflects