Want to know how many police are being investigated in your town? Go to NJ's new dashboard

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In a move meant to promote police transparency and accountability, the New Jersey Attorney General's Office unveiled a searchable database Wednesday of statewide internal affairs investigations that authorities say is the most comprehensive compilation ever made public by any state in the country.

Although it does not include officer names, the database provides a litany of other details, such as how many officers are being investigated in each department, what complaints they face, how the complaints were resolved and what sort of discipline was meted out, if any.

In a statement, acting Attorney General Mathew Platkin said the portal will help both police and the public by revealing how common certain allegations are and how internal affairs deals with them.

Gov. Phil Murphy added that the data will increase transparency and help build trust between officers and their communities.

“Our state’s new dashboard testifies to the profound understanding of our law enforcement officers that such trust is forged by meaningful actions that reflect the crucial importance of this profession,” Murphy said in a statement. “Every effort to improve accountability among our esteemed law enforcement officers today will help better protect our community members tomorrow.”

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The announcement is another signal that police departments could be forced to loosen their grip on internal affairs files that have been mostly shielded from view in the Garden State.

Six months ago, the state Supreme Court ruled that the Union County Prosecutor’s Office had to release an internal affairs report about a former Elizabeth police director who resigned after an investigation found he referred to employees using racist and sexist language.

Transparency advocates cheered the unanimous decision and said it would have a far-reaching impact on which documents reach the public’s eyes.

The new portal provides a narrow window into such investigations that’s easily accessed by casual observers. Although the compiled data has always been available, it could only be secured through public records requests made to individual departments. These took time and could lead to a legal fight should the department deny the request.

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But the state’s website lets users casually parse through the data and filter the results. The portal, which lists active cases as of 2021, also allows for side-by-side comparisons so users can look for disparities among agencies, the statement said.

The state will update the site each year as police agencies submit new data.

The heads of many law enforcement organizations, including the New Jersey State Police, the County Prosecutors Association of New Jersey and the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police lauded the move as a step toward greater accountability.

So did community leaders such as Bishop Jethro James, president of the Newark-North Jersey Committee of Black Churchmen.

“This tool will help identify the problem areas within police departments statewide,” James said in a statement. “It will also identify issues dealing with racial profiling, excessive use of force and lack of sensitivity among all people.”

Richard Rivera, the former West New York police officer who sued Union County over the police director records, said the portal will force chiefs and prosecutors to do a better job of understanding complaint trends and community needs.

“For too long women and minority officers in New Jersey have claimed disparate or discriminatory practices by internal affairs,” said Rivera, who also cofounded the National Coalition of Latino Officers. “Now we get to see the outcome and compare officers in the same department.”

But not everyone was happy with the database’s lack of specifics.

CJ Griffin, the Hackensack attorney and public records expert who argued Rivera’s case, said the portal creates a convenient database for information that was once only available through the towns.

And it could prove a valuable tool for spotting trends — for instance, Griffin said she’s already found that about a quarter of complaints filed by white people were sustained, compared to only 11% of complaints filed by Black people.

But she also said that if the Attorney General’s Office really wants to be transparent, it would simply make internal affairs records public. States including Florida already do this, she said.

“The only reason internal affairs files are confidential is because of the attorney general’s policies,” Griffin said. “So the attorney general could also make them public. The press release heralds it as being a one-of-a-kind database. Maybe it is. But that’s because other states give people actual records. There’s no reason to keep it secret.”

This article originally appeared on NorthJersey.com: NJ unveils new dashboard for police internal affairs cases