Want to prevent falling on slick ice? Walk like this animal, Health Department says

When it comes to staying safe walking on slick surfaces this winter, waddle you do?

According to the Vermont Department of Health, you should imitate this dapper polar animal which takes a "plunge" only when it means to.

The creature in question is, of course, the penguin.

It's shuffled, side-to-side gait may be amusing to behold but serves a purpose keeping the avian upright on slick surfaces.

In order to prevent human falls on slick ice this winter, the Health Department suggests you take short, shuffling steps to maintain balance; keep arms at your sides; maintain the center of gravity over your front leg and wear slip resistant footwear.

In short, do your best penguin impression. After all, the flightless bird has honed its technique over the last 60 million years.

The leading cause of injury in people 65 and older is due to falls, according to the Health Department, which says you can keep yourself and loved ones safe this winter following their advice.

Online there are tips about winter storms, power outages, road safety, shoveling and heart attacks, heat source safety, frostbite and hypothermia and assessing lake ice for safe passage at www.healthvermont.gov/environment/climate/winter-weather.

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Contact reporter April Barton at abarton@freepressmedia.com or 802-660-1854. Follow her on Twitter @aprildbarton.

This article originally appeared on Burlington Free Press: VT Health Department says walk like this animal to prevent falls on ice