Want to visit the Hurricane Ridge area? Beware of this upcoming road closure

Olympic National Park visitors, including cyclists, will not be able to access Hurricane Ridge Road between Aug. 15 and 17 because crews will be clearing debris from the site of a fire that destroyed a historic lodge May 7.

The work is needed so that investigators can better understand the origin of the fire that destroyed the 71-year-old Hurricane Ridge Day Lodge and other critical park infrastructure. In a news release, park officials said the structure was a “complete loss.” The building had already collapsed to its foundation by the time fire crews arrived.

Those who hold wilderness permits for the Obstruction Point area will be permitted to enter the road during the road closure, and astronomy programs during the three-day period will continue as planned. However, program attendees cannot enter past the Heart of Hills Entrance Station before 9:30 p.m., and must leave by midnight.

Clallam Transit will not operate in Hurricane Ridge during these days.

The ruins of the popular Hurricane Ridge Lodge at Olympic National Park have been fenced off.
The ruins of the popular Hurricane Ridge Lodge at Olympic National Park have been fenced off.