Warren gains on Biden, Sanders: Reuters/Ipsos


"This is our moment in American history."

Senator Elizabeth Warren is rising in the ranks as she races to become the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee.

A new Reuters-Ipsos poll released Wednesday FOUND 11% of Democrats and Independents said they would vote for Warren in their state's nominating contests, up 3 percentage points from a similar poll last month.

It was a bigger bump than any other Democratic candidate.

The news come as she and nine other contenders will debate in Houston on Thursday, all vying to take on President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

The results bump Warren up closer to frontrunner Joe Biden and fellow Senator Bernie Sanders.

Former Vice President Biden has held his lead since entering the race this year.

According to the poll, 22 percent of Democrats and Independents said they'd back Biden, while 16 percent gave Sanders their support.


"We have a chance to offer an alternative vision here."

Warren has pushed for big structural changes for the economy, as well as progressive priorities like universal childcare, student debt relief and Medicare for All.

Unlike most of the other candidates, Warren's popularity has increased recently.

Support for Senator Kamala Harris dipped over the month to 4 percent... tied with South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg.