Warrior Run High School student crowned state Laurel Queen

Jun. 20—WELLSBORO — Emma Podobinski, Miss Warrior Run, and a recent graduate of Warrior Run High School, was chosen from among 27 queen candidates as the 2023 Pennsylvania State Laurel Queen at a Saturday night coronation ceremony in the Wellsboro High School auditorium.

The coronation was the highlight of the Pennsylvania State Laurel Festival, which since 1938, has celebrated the blooming of the state flower.

"I was surprised," Podobinski said. "It was such a surreal feeling hearing my name called as the Laurel Queen.

"I feel so honored and blessed to be queen this year."

As queen, Podobinski received a $3,000 educational scholarship. She is the daughter of Emily Ayers of Watsontown and Michael Podobinski of Clarks Summit.

"What I will remember most is how welcoming the town of Wellsboro is," Podobinski said. "It is powerful and exciting to see how much happiness and pride community members hold for their town. That has truly left a mark on me forever."

As part of the weekend festivities, queen coordinators took the 27 candidates to the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon, near Wellsboro.

"Spending time with the other candidates was joyful," she said. "We shared so many laughs together, it was easy to make new friends. We created a group chat to use every day to message each other," said Podobinski.

The queen coordinators were also amazing, Podobinski said. "They were like our moms, always ready to help us pin our sashes or fix our dresses. The judges were also lovely to be around. We all shared many conversations with them."

During the semifinals, Podobinski was asked what she was passionate about and how she could use it to help others in her community.

"Music is my passion," she said. "Composing helps me with my anxiety. I help kids at camp by composing and sharing silly songs. That helps them relax, laugh and be silly. It's an icebreaker. Also, I sing as a worship leader in my church to help others connect spiritually."

Podobinski is going on a mission trip in July to Belize with her church, Community Mennonite Fellowship in Milton.

On Aug. 25, she will head to Houghton University in Houghton, New York, and major in communications with an emphasis on integrated marketing, and a minor in literature.

Her career goal is to work for a publishing company, such as Penguin Teen, creating marketing materials to promote new book releases and graphic design skills learned in her major to make visually appealing book advertisements.Melody Rzeszotarski, Miss Montoursville, was named first runner-up and awarded a $1,500 educational scholarship.

Rzeszotarski was excited to make the top ten semifinals, she said. "But when I heard 'first runner up Miss Montoursville' my jaw just dropped."