Warship: Life at Sea, review: let's hope this is exaggerated – else we're on the brink of all-out war with Russia

Sub Lieutenant De La Mare taking a bearing of TCG Gaziantep  - FRPU (E) Royal Navy
Sub Lieutenant De La Mare taking a bearing of TCG Gaziantep - FRPU (E) Royal Navy

Episode three of Channel 5’s Warship: Life at Sea again made me wonder whether, unsuspected by millions of us at home, Britain really is teetering on the brink of all-out war with Russia. Or whether compressing nine months of unusually busy time at sea into four hour-long episodes might give a slightly overheated impression of reality.

The Royal Navy’s billion-pound destroyer HMS Duncan was back in the northern Mediterranean, still humming in the wake of last week’s “stand-off” off the coast of Crimea, when the ship and her 280 crew were repeatedly buzzed by a swarm of bellicose Russian jet fighters. The state of relative calm didn’t last for long, however, as now news of the Novichok poisonings in Salisbury was filtering through, and the crew were back on the alert again

As tensions at home began to rise between Britain and Russia, so they did on the high seas. “Linking Salisbury to HMS Duncan may seem like a bit of a leap” said one officer, “but we need to be out there ensuring the UK’s interests are looked after.” Yet it took the interests of Syria’s benighted citizens – suffering another horrific chemical attack – to eventually push the Duncan to its “most heightened state of preparedness” – complete with alarms and cries of “action stations” as every crew member scurried around, battening down hatches, stowing their belongings and flexing their trigger fingers.

Things got very fraught as world politicians ordered a strike force to be assembled – with Russia again ramping up the pressure with threats to retaliate. The mood on board ranged from understandable high excitement to equally understandable deep concern, as the Duncan joined an international task force heading full steam towards Syria.

We ended on the moment of maximum tension – images of screaming missile batteries flagging up next week’s edition – and were left with a tangible impression that every decision taken in the next few hours could have devastating consequences. Scary stuff – so much so, the only comfort was in hoping, for everyone’s sake, it really was all just a little bit exaggerated.