The Washington Bridge closure is a nightmare, but the memes are pretty funny

The closure of the Washington Bridge is serious news.

It's causing people to sit in traffic jams for hours as some 90,000 commuters relied on the bridge daily to cross the Seekonk River. It's hurting small businesses during the busiest time of the year. It's costing tens of thousands of dollars daily to redirect traffic.

To use a common cliche, if you don't laugh, you'll cry (though we totally understand if you do both).

This is where the memes come in, of which there have been plenty and they've been prolifically shared. Here are a few of our favorites we've seen. (And feel free to email with more).

What it feels like

The new supplies you need for your car

When you start thinking of alternative ways to get around

The new earworm

The new must-have accessory/Christmas gift from Frog and Toad

That relatable feeling

The latest detour

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: Washington Bridge closure memes lampoon Rhode Island