New Washington Heights residents protest Greenlink bus hub in historic Black neighborhood

Despite wind gusts and chilly temperatures Monday morning, a determined yet small crowd of New Washington Heights neighborhood association members and concerned citizens gathered in protest next to the future site of the Greenlink bus hub.

"It's not a done deal," the crowd chanted as what appeared to be construction work took place behind the protest.

"We've seen the construction. We're not swayed. We're not moved," lifelong New Washington Heights resident Stephen Fowler said.

Grading for the bus hub has already begun in the historic neighborhood, north of downtown Greenville. However, community leaders have made it clear it's still unwanted.

"If they build this place and continue to go up as Greenlink right here in New Washington Heights, it would state that Greenville County is 100 percent behind racism and that's a bad precedent to set at this time. This fight right here, we shouldn't even be fighting. This is 2022, we're about to go into 2023 and this fight still goes on for everyone to have a fair shake for the American dream," Angela Aiken, a member of the neighborhood association said.

Angela Aiken, New Washington Heights community association spokesperson, left, and Charity Jones, community member, protest against the Greenlink bus hub that is being built on the site of the former Washington High School in the neighborhood on Monday, Nov. 14, 2022.
Angela Aiken, New Washington Heights community association spokesperson, left, and Charity Jones, community member, protest against the Greenlink bus hub that is being built on the site of the former Washington High School in the neighborhood on Monday, Nov. 14, 2022.

Here's why the New Washington Heights neighborhood association is against the Greenlink bus hub

Members of the neighborhood association are concerned with community members being pushed out, environmental racism, and disregard for the history of the community. Aiken, a longtime resident of New Washington Heights, said they are trying to push community members to the outskirts of downtown.

"They don't address us. To them, it's like we are a non-factor. We are not important. We are the ones they want to push on the outskirts of downtown Greenville, and we don't wish to do that," Aiken said.

When asked about the claim that current members of the community were not asked for input about this project, an email from the city's director of communication, Beth Brotherton stated, "The GTA invited the Neighborhood Association officers (Charity O’Jones, Angelica Childes, Donnie Madison, and John Childes) to serve as representatives of the greater neighborhood and its residents. These attendees were asked to relay all information to their neighbors and let the design team know if additional neighborhood residents should be included in communications and invited to participate as a Stakeholder."

In addition to the stakeholder meetings, Greenlink facilitated two public meetings where input was welcomed.

Charity Jones, 80, New Washington Heights community member, speaks about the history of the neighborhood during a protest in opposition of the Greenlink bus hub that is being built on the site of the former Washington High School on Monday, Nov. 14, 2022.
Charity Jones, 80, New Washington Heights community member, speaks about the history of the neighborhood during a protest in opposition of the Greenlink bus hub that is being built on the site of the former Washington High School on Monday, Nov. 14, 2022.

Environmental concerns are great according to neighborhood association

Natural wildlife of eagles, falcons, owls and fish will be affected by construction according to Aiken. She said since the project has started, groundhogs have burrowed under houses, snakes and rodents have infested the community homes.

The neighborhood association has three demands; that Greenlink vacate the property and stop the environmental racism, GreenLink’s board restores the conditions that will allow the county to put the promises in the 2013 Master Plan back into place and Greenlink Director James Keel’s ouster by the Board.

Keel did not comment on the demand for his resignation when asked.

"We don't want Greenlink. We don't want the aftereffects. We don't want to die with no more cancers. We don't want to die with no more high blood pressure. We don't want to die with no more diabetes. We don't want to die with no more pollution period," Aiken said.

As previously reported by the Greenville News, the California-based firm, Calm Waters Group, conducted a third-party review of Greenville Transit Authority's planning documents at the invitation of Sustaining Way and the New Washington Heights neighborhood.

Calm Waters found that the New Washington Heights' location is in an area of high environmental-justice concern according to the EPA's measure. It also has a number of existing pollution burdens and social vulnerabilities that should be addressed by Greenville Transit Authority in a cumulative-impacts analysis, Calm Waters' review said.

Furthermore, Calm Waters said the analysis conducted on the Greenville Transit Authority's behalf "did not include factors for social vulnerability ranked high in the EJSCREEN analysis, including young children — who are active in afterschool programs at the nearest property, the Happy Hearts Community Center.”

Greenlink's marketing and public affairs manager, Nicole McAden, addresses a difference in report findings via email. "Greenlink successfully completed the Documented Categorical Exclusion as outlined in the National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA) Process, which included Title IV and Environmental Justice. No impacts were found. Greenlink is continuing construction on the site."

McAden also said, "Many tools and methods exist to conduct evaluations outlined by the National Environmental Policy Act which can lead to differences in findings and analyses."

"The Calm Waters Group report chose to use the EJScreen tool. The EPA does not mandate government entities to use the tool or and has publicly expressed concerns about the validity of its underlying data," McAden said. "Also, per the EPA’s website, 'it is generally not appropriate to rely on any screening tool as the basis for a key decision.'

Construction continues as Angela Aiken, New Washington Heights community association spokesperson, right, speaks out against the Greenlink bus hub that is being built on the site of the former Washington High School in the neighborhood during a protest on Monday, Nov. 14, 2022.
Construction continues as Angela Aiken, New Washington Heights community association spokesperson, right, speaks out against the Greenlink bus hub that is being built on the site of the former Washington High School in the neighborhood during a protest on Monday, Nov. 14, 2022.

Here's where the new Greenlink hub is being constructed

Greenlink is being built at the vacant former site of Washington High School, a Black high school during the segregation era. The site was donated to Greenville Transit Authority. Greenlink needed the land that was donated to qualify for an $11 million federal grant and move forward with a new bus garage, The Greenville News reported.

"We are not against progress in Greenville County. We are not. We never have been, but we don't want that progress to be built on the back of people of the community and other citizens of Greenville County," Fowler said.

A community plan was already approved back in 2013, according to the association. A master plan was approved and adopted by the county for low-income housing, predominantly for the elderly. Recreational activities and natural trails were a part of the plan as well according to Aikens. This led residents to believe the plan would come into fruition. The association had been working on the plan since 2007.

Aiken said the historically Black neighborhood being chosen for the bus hub was a slap in their faces. She claims that Greenlink received approval from alumni of the New Washington Heights school and not current members of the community.

Angela Aiken, New Washington Heights community association spokesperson, speaks out against the Greenlink bus hub that is being built on the site of the former Washington High School in the neighborhood during a protest on Monday, Nov. 14, 2022.
Angela Aiken, New Washington Heights community association spokesperson, speaks out against the Greenlink bus hub that is being built on the site of the former Washington High School in the neighborhood during a protest on Monday, Nov. 14, 2022.

"You have tucked this community and made a mockery of its history," Aiken said.

Community association president, Charity Jones, 80, moved to the neighborhood with her parents in 1946. O Jones Street is named after her father, Otis Jones. She emphasized the importance of the association's concerns getting out to the public.

"I am 80 years old, still begging city council and government to give our community and our race a fair shake," Jones said.

The neighborhood association said they want accountability for what they believe to be unfair practices.

"We want Greenville County Council, along with City council, Mayor Knox White, Butch Kirven, and James Keel to stand accountable for taking these deals and bringing it to the table. Councilmen voted on all these things they were not aware of, " Aiken said.

In response, via message Mayor Knox White said this was a county council decision.

"We have lost trust in our city and county and federal government," Jones said.

"It's not a matter of can you do it. It's the will. Do they have the will to admit their wrongdoing and reverse this policy?" Fowler said.

"They have the time, and the time is now," Aiken said.

This article originally appeared on Greenville News: New Washington Heights residents protest Greenlink bus hub