Watch a reporter ask Ron DeSantis about the lifts in his shoes while we CACKLE

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
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Last year, the hilarious memes making fun of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for wearing noticeable lifts in his shoes provided endless entertainment.

Honestly, we still laugh about it regularly.

Now, finally, a journalist has pointed out to the leader of the Sunshine State the inherent hypocrisy in trying to deny access to gender-affirming care for trans people when he augments his appearance, too.

“Governor DeSantis, you have spoken out about the woke agenda of gender fluidity and also have come out against gender-affirming care,” journalist Corey Hill said at a press event.

“So I was hoping you could square your opposition to gender-affirming care and for people choosing their own gender identity with your frequent wearing of lifts and you hoping to choose your own height measurements.”

“Nice try,” DeSantis responded while chuckling to himself before quickly moving on without answering the question. “Next.”The crowd is laughing, too; whether they are laughing with him or at him, we’ll let you watch and decide, but in our headcanon, they’re DEFINITELY laughing at him.

The fact that he can’t see or admit that wearing high heels is a form of gender-affirming care, not materially different from a trans woman wearing heels or a trans man using a packer, makes him a true hypocrite.

Not only has DeSantis banned trans girls from participating in school sports, limited gender-affirming care for trans adults and banned it for trans youth, and signed the now infamous “Don’t Say Gay” bill, but he also signed a ban on “lewd” drag performances in front of kids, LGBTQ+ Nation reports.

So, let us get this straight: He wears heels at every public appearance, but drag queens will scar children with their mere presence? Right.

DeSantis isn’t the only Republican politician to hold this same hypocritical belief. Donald Trump spouts transphobic views while simultaneously painting himself with a thick coat of orange makeup before leaving the house every day.

Just answer the question, Ron!