Watch this woman rescue baby raccoons trapped in her walls and reunite them with their mom

When Wendy Gatlin heard scratching behind the walls of her home in Portland, Oregon, she figured some sort of animal had made themselves comfortable inside. And she was right. According to the Humane Society, raccoons are one of nature’s most resourceful creatures and often create dens in attics, crawl spaces, and wall cavities.

Though raccoons look cute, they’re wild animals and can do a lot of damage to your home by chewing on wires and pulling apart roofing and vents to get in and out. Their waste can also be a health hazard. So, Gatlin located the hole where the raccoon had entered and had it sealed up. However, she quickly realized that the raccoon hadn’t been alone. In fact, it was a mom, and her babies were still inside, trapped behind the wall.

Gatlin immediately contacted animal control officers, but their response wasn’t what she had in mind.

“I called, and they said they would have to euthanize the babies and mama if they came out,” Gatlin said.

As an animal lover, Gatlin decided that wasn’t an option. Instead, she called a friend, and together they engineered a raccoon rescue.

Watch the video to see a raccoon mom reunited with her babies

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Homeowner rescues mama raccoon's babies trapped inside her walls