Water system cleaning underway in Duncan

Jun. 2—Duncan's annual water system cleaning will take place during the first half of this month.

According to City of Duncan's Public Works Department, the required annual system cleaning of the water transmission and distribution lines began on Wednesday, June 1 and will last through June 15.

The annual cleanup of the water system is a requirement of the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) and "cleans nitrates from the system" which will take place throughout the entire distribution system over the next two weeks.

City officials warn there may be times when low water pressure occurs. Additionally, the department warns "community members may notice a chlorine taste and odor to the water" white the maintenance takes place but "if you get an odor or unusual taste in the water, it does not mean it is unsafe to drink." Instead, water users should run the cold water for several minutes prior to use.

For more information, contact the Department of Public Works at 580-252-0250.