New Waverly ISD could call bond election on Wednesday to build, renovate schools

Aug. 10—With the area growing at a tremendous rate, voters in the New Waverly ISD may soon be asked to fund new and improved campuses across the district, with the school board expected to weigh a bond election on Wednesday night.

The board will be considering a no-new tax bond, which if approved will allow the district to reissue bonds that are nearly paid off. A citizen-driven facilities committee recently presented a plan to the board that would seek $20-25 million in bond funds to build a new intermediate school near the current elementary campus.

The bonds could also help fund classroom additions at the elementary school and high school, alongside a new gymnasium for the new elementary and intermediate school campus.

New Waverly ISD currently has a tax rate for debt at 19-cents per $100 valuation, which would likely remain in place if the bond issuance is passed by voters. Although there may not be any tax rate increase, state law requires the district to state on each proposition "This is a property tax increase."

Wednesday's meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m. at the New Waverly Elementary School cafeteria.