A weekend forecast to love for winter sport enthusiasts in Alberta

Gusty Chinook winds will fire along Alberta's foothills on Saturday as a push of Pacific air and moisture roll through the Rockies.

If your weekend plans take you to the ski slopes, winter sport lovers will rejoice at this snowy forecast.

Baron - AB snow - Nov10.jpg
Baron - AB snow - Nov10.jpg

A strong storm making its way through B.C. will deliver a significant amount of snow to the Rocky Mountains through Saturday. This snowfall is timed nicely with the recent opening of Alberta's ski resorts such as Lake Louise, Mount Norquay and Sunshine Valley later this weekend. While heavier snow will stick on B.C.'s side near Revelstoke, Lake Louise may pick up over 20 cm of the fresh powder during the event.

Getting to and from the hills could be a bit of a different story however, and you may want to leave extra travel time.

RELATED: Deadly differences: The 'Snow Eater' vs the 'Devil Winds'

Chinook winds will tumble down the mountains, with over 90 km/h gusts likely for the foothills on Saturday morning. Through the day, these winds will spread across the south, with gusts between 60-70+ km/h stretching from Pincher Creek into Medicine Hat.

Baron - AB wind - Nov10.jpg
Baron - AB wind - Nov10.jpg

If you're staying put in the city, it may feel like a completely different season. These winds will deliver temperatures 5 to 10°C above normal, returning double digit highs to the southeastern sections of Alberta.

The mild Pacific flow will stick around for a pleasant weekend forecast, and even into the new work week.

Baron - Saturday AB temps - Nov10.jpg
Baron - Saturday AB temps - Nov10.jpg

Temperatures peak on Monday with daytime highs in the mid-teens forecast for Medicine Hat, Lethbridge and surrounding towns, feeling more like early October than mid November.

Be sure to check back for the latest weather updates across Alberta.

WATCH: Would you wake up this early for '1st chair' of Alberta's ski season?

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