Welcome home, Vietnam War veterans

Thomas McElheny
Thomas McElheny

On Wednesday, Americans will celebrate National Vietnam War Veterans Day, which is held annually on March 29 to honor those who served during that long, unpopular conflict. And throughout this day, there will no doubt be some people who will think that no other American war was as wrongheaded as the Vietnam War – and that those who served in uniform during that war did so inappropriately.

In all, more than 2.7 million Americans served in uniform in Vietnam and more than 58,000 lost their lives. In addition, more than 150,000 Americans were wounded, 75,000-plus incurred severe, lifelong physical disabilities and countless more were impacted by emotional trauma. While these facts are not cited to draw comparisons to the veterans of other wars, it is important to remember that those who served in Vietnam were also the only American war veterans who were not welcomed home as heroes.

Contrary to popular presumption, not everyone who served in Vietnam saw combat. Of the 2.7 million who served there, it's estimated that between 40% to 60% either fought in combat, provided close combat support or were exposed to enemy attack. It should also be noted that nearly 7,500 women served in Vietnam; the overwhelming majority of them were nurses who experienced firsthand the trauma and heartbreak of caring for thousands of wounded and broken young men. The compassion provided by these brave, selfless women is still beyond my ability to adequately describe.

Supporting one another

To most Vietnam veterans, it doesn't matter how you served (unless, that is, someone is seeking to steal valor by making false claims of combat, medals, experiences, etc.). To most Vietnam veterans, what's important is that you actually served – and that you actively help to support others who also served.

The public’s view of the Vietnam veteran has certainly evolved over the years. But it remains complex; it remains – as the New Yorker magazine aptly described it – as "a tension between a sense of virtue and a sense of shame." In its earlier years, this mixed perception led to generalizations of the Vietnam vet as someone who was troubled and antisocial. But today there is an exhaustive amount of data about the actual post-war lives of Vietnam veterans, and the statistics prove that these vets have been anything but angry social outcasts upon returning to civilian life.

Productive, difference-making lives

According to statistics assembled by USwings.com, returning Vietnam veterans maintained a lower unemployment rate than their non-vet peers, and their personal incomes exceeded those of non-veterans by more than 18%. There were no statistical differences in drug usage between the two groups, and 85% of Vietnam veterans made a successful transition to civilian life.  And, despite the reception they received upon returning to America, 91% of Vietnam War veterans say they are glad they served their country during that time.

The Vietnam War did foster a bond among those who experienced it, as well as a new language that remains rarely understood by those who did not serve; for example, phrases like "grunt," "freedom bird" and "dust off" all signify membership in a unique club with its own culture and memories. This sense of camaraderie has spurred a few non-Vietnam veterans my age – particularly those whose political views now lean to the right – to tell me they now wish they had served “back then."


Painful memories

I ask that question because it's worth comparing the largely hostile reception that Vietnam veterans received from the American public to the well-deserved accolades that were given to those who returned from our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It remains difficult for those who did not serve to understand how painful it is for our Vietnam War veterans to know they did not receive a similarly warm welcome home – and to still wish that they, too, had been afforded such treatment.

But we can and should begin to ease that hurtful legacy before more of these men and women, many of them now in their 80s, begin to pass away. That's why I hope that on Wednesday, we Americans can put our differences aside and simply honor the sacrifice and service of all those who served our country in Vietnam.

If you are holding a service club, fraternal or other group meeting, take a moment and ask the Vietnam War veterans present to stand and be recognized. If you have a U.S. flag, fly it proudly to acknowledge the service and sacrifices made by Vietnam War veterans. If you know a Vietnam War veteran, give them a phone call – or better yet, go visit them.

Ron Melyan of Punta Gorda points to names of some friends he lost during the Battle of Lo Giang during the Vietnam War. Melyan said his unit "lost 19 guys in five minutes on Feb. 8, 1968." "I come here to let them know they're not forgotten at all."
Ron Melyan of Punta Gorda points to names of some friends he lost during the Battle of Lo Giang during the Vietnam War. Melyan said his unit "lost 19 guys in five minutes on Feb. 8, 1968." "I come here to let them know they're not forgotten at all."

Or if you have another way to honor a Vietnam War veteran, that would be great, too.

Just do what you can to make sure a Vietnam War veteran hears these two powerful words on Wednesday:

Welcome home.

I guarantee those two words will be appreciated and valued more than you will ever know!

Thomas McElheny is a Sarasota businessman who serves as chair of the Sarasota Military Academy Board of Directors. He commanded a Marine Corps Rifle Platoon in Vietnam in 1970, and now travels frequently to Vietnam.

This article originally appeared on Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Vietnam War veterans deserve an overdue 'Welcome Home'