Welcome Stamp Visa Allows Remote Workers To Live In Barbados For 12 Months

Known for its white sand beaches, delicious food, and Bajan hospitality, Barbados is welcoming remote workers to call Barbados home for a year. The country, known as “the land of the flying fish,” is growing in popularity with digital nomads, making it a popular destination for traveling professionals.

Barbados’ Welcome Stamp visa allows eligible individuals and their families to reside on the island for one year, with the option to renew. Launched in June 2020, the program is the government’s response to a hard-hit economy that suffered due to COVID.

barbados welcome stamp visa advertisement
Photo Credit: Barbados Tourism Marketing, Inc

Eligibility Requirements

Visa applicants must hold employment or contractor status with clients or companies outside of Barbados. In addition, a minimum annual income of $50,000 is required over the 12-month period of the visitor’s travel stamp. 

Perks of the visa are extended to immediate family members, with a family bundle application option available. Under visa guidelines, non-national students are able to enroll in private schools or pay a stipend to attend a state-owned public school. School-aged children approved under the Welcome Stamp program do not require a separate Student Visa application.

Pet parents can also bring their pets, in accordance with US and Barbados rules and regulations for travel with an animal into the country.

Applications for the 12-Month Barbados Welcome Stamp are typically approved within 7 business days of submission. Individuals will pay a visa fee of $2,000 USD while families benefit from a bundled fee of $3,000 USD.

The country declared independence from Britain on November 30, 1966, but continued to recognize Queen Elizabeth as its ceremonial head of state until last year. During the ceremony, Barbados officially became a republic and appointed its first president, Sandra Mason. Barbadian pop star and beauty billionaire Rihanna was also declared a national hero.

Related: Traveler Story: ‘I Applied For The Barbados Remote Visa. Here’s My Experience’ | 13 Things To Remember When Visiting Barbados