Well Known Designer Gigi Hunter Blasts Ari Fletcher

Fashion designer, Gigi Hunter is well known for her hand-knitted styles and custom designs. She has created looks for all your favorites, and that roster grew when she created a custom look for it-girl Ari Fletcher. Now she is coming for the influencer after she claims to have sent her a handmade piece that she alleges Ari never wore.

In an Instagram post, the designer commented on the outfit Ari wore to this year’s BET Awards, saying that it was a knock-off of one of her designs. “[Ari] had me maker her a dress in exchange for a post/tag” she said in the post. “She ghosted me and kept the dress only to wear this fake knockoff of my brand LOL.”

She came with receipts as well. She posted screenshots of text conversations between her and the influencer showing the way in which she ghosted Gigi.

Ari clapped back saying that the texts were from over a year ago and adding that the dress was ugly. Many Twitter users are under the impression that Ari must not know the legend that is Gigi and how her designs have been seen on pretty much every hot girl in the past several decades.