Welsh Punk debut single by Los Blancos, “It’s Hard To Wake One”


Photo by Manon Williams

Welsh musical talent, Los Blancos have emerged onto the scene in their most subversive manner, with the release of “It’s hard To Wake One” simultaneously being a debut single and a trailblazer for modern Welsh music.

“It’s Hard To Wake One” is a song laden with aggression, lyrics spouting their distaste to previous relationships, a subject that Punk music has been formed around since the late 70′s. The intro is loaded with a heavy bass line that initially reminded me of Metallica, a more subdued Metallica but, nonetheless exerting the same distinctive sound.

“Mae’n anodd deffro un sy’n esgys cysgu”

Playing on this loosely sounding intro accompanied by drums and maracas before being overthrown with a inextricable dichotomy of noise with all instruments seeming to be merged together. Albeit this, “It’s Hard To Wake One” quickly transcends into distorted vocals led by Gwyn Rossers, the voice for Los Blancos. Another layer that quickly cements their Slacker languid Punk sound.

Continuing on from the “Clarach” demos, Los Blancos have since adopted an unrivalled confidence that will see the band propelled forward by their attitude and ability to layer sound.

Sounds like: Subway Sect, The Stranglers, The Satelliters, Waaves.

Hear Los Blancos on the Lisa Gwilym’s show - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08vgbhn

See the band live The Parrot, Carmarthen. Friday 23rd June, 8pm.