Wendy Williams' Former Financial Adviser Claims She Has Received Death Threats, Is 'A Prisoner In Her Own Home'

Wendy Williams’s former financial adviser Lori Schiller is allegedly a “prisoner in her own home” and says she has received death threats, according to a new report.

According to Page Six (via Atlanta Black Star) Schiller was let go by the former talk show host after she believed Williams to be “of unsound mind” to manage her own bank account.

Schiller's concerns led to Williams losing control of her Wells Fargo account. Now, Schiller claims she has had death threats since her voiced her concerns.

“I have 24-hour armed police officers outside of my house kind of vetting everyone that comes to my front door,” she told Page Six. “It’s starting to affect my life…I’m a prisoner in my own home.” She also said that her work on Williams’ account has put her family “at risk.”

“I’m kind of living in my own personal hell here,” she continued.

Even though she has been believed to be let go by Williams, Schiller claims she she is still the account's lead adviser.

“All I’ve done was follow the law to the tee, and I’ve been praised by Wells Fargo for all of my efforts.” However, the bank hasn’t come out publicly to state as such. Schiller said in response, “I’ve given them ample time to come to my defense and make a statement, and for some reason, they are just putting it to the side.”

She also claimed Wells Fargo was paying for her home security.

The ongoing saga with Williams’ finances has been as confusing as it is sad, with Williams losing control over her ability to take care of her money and allegations being spread around who could be at fault. While Schiller has already been threatened for her role in Williams’ financial situation, there were also refuted rumors that William’s son, Kevin Hunter. Jr., had been taking advantage of her mother’s bank account.